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Gotta keep those pearly whites in good shape... especially when you eat as many cream teas Amelia.


Bit of a random one this, inspired by a recent drip to the dentist (which went surprisingly well). As I was swinging the old legs into that ominous chair, it struck me that being a dentist must be quite a decent job for an FA.

That six month gap between seeing patients - the suspense! Will they have put on weight? Grown softer? And there's such a range: plumping young professionals starting new jobs, stressed out mums bringing the kids, and - in Amelia's case - students returning for the holidays after a couple of semesters of boozing and partying.

You get a pretty good overhead view, what with them laid back almost horizontal in that chair.

And as a bonus, there's the plethora of dental nurses and hygienists, who - at least at my dentist's - seem to be invariably petite, glamorous and plump. I'm sure I felt the hygienist's chest brush against the back of my head when I went for my clean and polish after the check-up.

Probably couldn't get away with this level of flirting though...


What other jobs do we think are good for FAs? Doctor, nurse, waiter are the obvious ones. Personal trainer? Bit of a double edged sword, perhaps, though I've a couple of vignettes to share of experiences at the gym I go to. Corporate assistant.. though working for a Kari or Abby probably wouldn't be worth it.

All the best,


PS More Lady wot lunched and some Samster pics coming soon!




Maybe another profession for FA can be Professors at university, they see them after vacations and holidays!!


Very true. Also, the canteen staff at university halls. Especially the ones who serve the food. They see the students day to day over the whole year. They see what they eat at least once, maybe even twice or three times a day. They even control the portions, to some extent. I've actually got an Amelia "origin" story half written about her first year at uni, featuring a character based on an absolute legend of a dinner lady (as we called them) from way back in my own uni days.