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Hey friends 👋

Hope everyone is good.

Sorry for the recent period of silence! I got roped into helping the some friends with a house move last weekend. I say "roped", but really I knew it was coming. Unfortunately It took quite a lot longer than expected, but... well, it felt good to help out, even if I would rather have spent the time writing and illustrating!

The upshot is that I'm a little behind on my Patreon posts - but they are coming along well in the background. I decided to make a few small changes of direction to the next Lady wot lunched chapter, but I should have it done and posted by the coming weekend. There'll be a section featuring Abby and also one featuring Gemma. If I can't get both done in time, I'll post one next weekend and one the week after.

Also, the first pic in my commission / collaboration sequence with Samster is nearly done. I'm sure many of you are familiar with Sam's Corporate Worlds universe, but to give you an idea - and to apologise for the lack of posts recently - I've spent the last couple of evenings tidying up a short story I wrote a while ago set in this world, but never got around to posting. It's called Saran Nights and you can read it here. It's descriptive rather story driven, but a couple of people I've shown it to enjoyed some of the passages, so I think it's worth sharing, if only to give a decent flavour of this incredible world.

All the best,

Hal x


