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Guess some of Lauren and Sarah's habits have rubbed off on their flatmate!

Just a little concept sequence of Zoe (and boyfriend Rob) that I was playing around with to get an idea of her personality and relationships. This shows Zoe at the start of her first year, and then at the start of her second year. Thought I'd share it to make up for the lack of content recently.

Zoe will make a POV appearance in the (nearly complete) second part of Sarah and Lauren's gluttony profile, and some future stories and pics.

It was quite common to see girls gaining both confidence and a few kilos at uni, when I was there, so this one feels fairly true to life. Zoe seems to have become a bit more glam too. Guess that must be Sarah's influence!




Great work and a very sexy change!


Im surprised Lauren and Sarah even let her get a bite out of their extra pepperoni pizzas or jelly doughnuts, they aren't big sharers! Zoe seems to be leaning into their pampered indulgence too far