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Howdy all!

I've been working on a Hayley short story and accompanying pic on and off for a little while. The pic ended up not looking as much like her as I'd hoped, so I decided to use it as a chance to experiment with a different sort of style. I'm quite happy with the result (even if the setting looks very different from the real-life location in which the scene takes place!) and thought it was worth sharing. So here it is, along with a earlier version and the the first part of the story.

This story isn't my biggest priority, but it leads into a short arc for Hayley and Tyler - really a series of three or four independent short stories - which I've had on the backburner for a while, and which I'll return to, along with other things, once the next chapter of TLWL is done, and Lauren and Sarah's gluttony profile is completed, which it nearly is.

Oh, and I'll also be catching up with the various requests/rewards for my last competition. Sorry for the delay with them!

I'll also be taking advantage of the new "collections" feature to organise my work better. Been waiting for something like that for ages!

Anyway, ramble over. Hope you enjoy the pics and the little preview below. 😊


Smoking hot pork (preview)

Saturday morning at the Big Easy BBQ Lobsterhouse, and “The Big Pig Gig” was in full swing. The kitchen doors flapped like paddles on a pinball machine, pumping out an endless stream of dark-uniformed waiters and waitresses totting sizzling platters of Carolina pulled pork, baby-back ribs, flash-fried steaks, lobster rolls, grits, chips and pit-smoked chicken to sate the greasy lips and greedy fingers of patrons taking advantage of the restaurant’s limitless BBQ brunch.

But not every customer in the Big Easy was eating. At a table by the windows overlooking a glittering Thames and the hazy corporate London skyline, Edith Kipple clucked her dentures in disgust.

'I don't think I've ever seen anything so repulsive in all my life.'

'Nan!' Toby hissed, ducking behind the bottles of ketchup and mayonnaise. 'Keep your voice down! And please stop staring - they’ll see you!’

Edith snorted in derision. 'I doubt that, dear,' she said, making no effort to lower her voice. 'Look at them. The young man hasn't once taken his eyes off the young lady, and the young lady hasn't once taken her eyes off her food... Good lord, the way she's ravaging that rib! You'd think she hadn't eaten in weeks - if she wasn't the size of an elephant seal, that is.' Edith leaned back. 'She makes your cousin Rachel look like Kate Moss.'

Toby peeked furtively over the top of the ketchup. His grandmother's tongue was as sharp as her collarbones, but it was hard to disagree with her assessment. Always the prettiest and most glamorous member of the Kipple clan, cousin Rachel had married a moustachioed restauranteur around two years ago, and had clearly been spending plenty of time in her new husband's establishments. At every family gathering she seemed to have grown plumper and wider. Last Christmas she'd barely been able to squeeze into her festive jumper, and Toby remembered watching her hefty paunch brush along the edge of the table when she'd slid into her seat for dinner.

But even cousin Rachel was a waif compared to the rib-guzzling blonde bombshell wedged into the booth opposite them at the Big Easy. Toby couldn't help staring. She was one of the biggest women he'd ever seen! A three-hundred-pound parody of a beauty queen, almost as wide as she was tall, with a bosom so huge that her signature Big Easy bib was spread across it like a too-small tablecloth, the smiling pig's face looking directly up at the ceiling. That bosom in turn rested upon a belly that stuck out even further - a planetary bulge that could have passed for a long-overdue pregnancy were it not for the soft and blubbery way it wobbled with the vibrations sent down from the blonde's pork-chomping cheeks. Round and red with a combination of blusher and effort, they were rolling furiously, and her handsome boyfriend had to keep stroking her wavy golden curls back behind her meaty shoulders to protect their glossiness from the flecks of grease and gristle that spluttered from his sweetheart’s guzzling jaws.

Toby gulped. The Big Easy advertised “smokin' hot pork”, but he hadn’t expected this. She was the BBW of his dreams. Fat, and glamorous and blonde. And a glutton too, Toby realised, watching the golden goddess gnaw on a huge, slab-like pork rib, which she was holding to her mouth with both hands as if it were a giant edible harmonica. He'd seen women eat like this online, of course, but never in real life. There was something incredibly sexy about the thought that this stunning young woman, sitting just a few short feet away from him, wasn't pigging out for views or clicks, but simply to satisfy her own greedy appetite.

And she was so skimpily dressed, too. A fact that hadn't escaped Edith's notice.

'Be not among winebibbers and riotous eaters of flesh,' she intoned 'For drowsiness shall clothe them in rags.'

On the drowsiness count, Toby had to agree. At her size, eating so quickly must have been quite tiring for the big blonde. But he would hardly have called the silky salmon-pink sheath of a dress that clung to the to her bulges "rags". It looked more like the robes worn by an ancient Greek goddess. Toby wondered if the outfit had been chosen purposefully, to allow for maximum belly-room.

She certainly needed it. Tossing the sucked-clean rib aside, the big blonde paused briefly to let out a body-quivering belch, before resuming her attack on a giant turkey drumstick. Fat and juicy though it was, Toby thought it looked tiny compared to the woman's similarly shaped forearms.

'You know, when I was her age,’ Edith was saying, ‘I had a nineteen inch waist. I could make it from my room to the air raid shelter in seven seconds flat.' Edith snapped her fingers proudly. She paused, watching the fat blonde sink her gleaming teeth into the drumstick and tear off a hunk of meat with a great shark-like twist of her head. 'Imagine her trying to run for cover when the sirens sounded - with that enormous tummy wobbling away out front!' Edith let out a hollow chuckle. 'She’d have gotten wedged in the entrance to the shelter - if she hadn't collapsed from exhaustion halfway across the lawn. I can't wait to see her try to squeeze herself out of that booth. Her stomach's being bisected by the table. Toby dear, whatever's the matter? Your face has gone redder than the lobster.'

'Nuthin',' Toby mumbled, looking down at his plate. He shifted in his seat, glad there was a napkin covering his lap. 'Food's just a bit spicy, is all.'

Edith looked at him from beneath a sharply arched eyebrow. Then she snorted with laughter. 'Oh Toby!' she chuckled. 'Really? My goodness, she'd eat you alive... and then wonder where the rest of it was.'

'Nan!' Blushing furiously, Toby tried to rearrange the napkin on his lap, wondering how one woman could go from bible quotes to lewd jokes in a matter of seconds. Too many sherries, he thought, watching his grandmother reach again for her glass.

'Funny thing, though,' Edith said, pausing with her sherry just in front of her lips, and narrowing her eyes. I'm sure I recognise her face from somewhere.'




Beautiful as always!! Great pic and story!!


Fantastic! I do always love a bit of Hayley. 🙌😍


Love this pic and story!