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Howdy all!

Hope everyone's good.

I'm reading a cracking little book called Show Your Work by Austin Kleon (can't recommend it highly enough for anyone with a creative mindset!) and thought I'd put his advice into practice.

So, in the spirt of the book, welcome to WIP (Work In Progress) Wednesdays! 🥳

Some weeks this might just be a few paragraphs about what I'm working on, or a snippet from an upcoming story, but in general I'll try to make it a concept pic, along with a little contextual text and/or general update.

I play around a lot with angles, characters, clothes, expressions and poses in Daz3D before deciding on a rendered pic to move to Photoshop (where much of the work with lighting, shaping, colours, tweaks, etc is done), so the 'finished' pic will often be quite different from the concepts. Hopefully this means that the WIP posts will have a little value in themselves, beyond just being unfinished versions of pics.

To kick things off here's a rough concept pic of Angelica and her bestie Jasmine Lang in The Hive nightclub in Liverpool.

A little backstory about their relationship (also a work in progress):

At school, Jasmine was the harshest enforcer of Angelica's rules and will, and by the time they entered sixth form she'd become her most trusted sidekick and second in command. Or 'The Bitch Queen's lesbian arse-licker,' as their bitter enemy and chess club captain Mia Burrows used to call her (not to her face).

But while it's true that being openly bisexual gave Jasmine's compliments of Angelica's beauty and cheeky wolf-whistles in the changing rooms an added force (and doubtless contributed to her rise in the eyes of her egotistical leader) there was something about Jasmine that Mia, the rest of the school, and even Angelica herself didn't know - and still don't know to this day.

For though open about her sexuality, and not shy of flaunting her playful crush on her bossy bestie, Jasmine harbours a deeper, darker desire. One she keeps secret from all but her internet service provider.

She is obsessed with watching girls gain weight.

Little did Angelica know, as she was hooking a finger under her thong in the changing rooms and letting it snap back to her bum, that Jasmine was timing the resulting quiver to gauge whether it went on just a touch longer than usual. Nor did she notice the way Jasmine squeezed her slender thighs together beneath the canteen table as Angelica reached across to pilfer her uneaten fries, stuffing them between her pouty lips.

Alas, for Jasmine, it was all in vain. Angelica's competitive hurdling and then semi-professional football kept her physique perfectly elegant and athletic throughout sixth form and into their early twenties. Even when Angelica announced her 'retirement' from football and move to Dubai, Jasmine's hope that the decadent lifestyle would add inches to the self-indulgent blonde's waistline was dashed by the news that Angelica had taken a job as a personal trainer.

And so, as Jasmine stood at the bar sipping he martini and waiting to welcome Angelica back to the UK after just over a year abroad, it was with no real expectation other than to see her friend again and catch up on all sorts of bitchy gossip in person - and perhaps butter Angelica up enough to wrangle a free stay in Dubai at her aging fiancé's swanky villa.

Imagine Jasmine's astonishment when Angelica burst into the club in her usual fashion, sporting a silky new hairdo, a deep tan and a good thirty more pounds than she'd been carrying the last time she'd seen her, with legs that looked twice as thick as they did in her latest Instagram post, and hips so wide that they bumped several people out of the way as she sauntered over to the bar and helped herself to the shot of prosecco that came with Jasmine's drink.

Fortunately, though Angelica was losing her figure, she'd lost none of her arrogance, and mistook Jasmine 's slack-jawed astonishment for lust - an impression which Jasmine immediately reinforced with a lingering hug and an enthusiastic squeeze of Angelica's much bigger bottom, which was so delightfully round squishy that Jasmine had to steady herself against the bar to prevent her knees from buckling.

Again, Angelica didn't notice - her own, far less charitable thoughts being fully occupied by the comical little potbelly her friend seemed to have developed...

Some further notes:

  • Originally inspired by a girl at an old gym I used to go to - who had those triangular swimmers shoulders and disproportionately long thighs - Jasmine's look and character have since been influenced by Peach Salinger in You (the TV version), which (spoiler alert) also gave me the idea of making her bisexual.

  • This isn't actually Jasmine's first appearance in my work. Eagle-eyed and perhaps owl-eared supporters may have spotted her making a cameo appearance in the The Bernie Madoff of Botox. Indeed, she is the brother of Tyler Lang, Hayley Ward's boyfriend. I'd kind of put her aside as a character, even creating one with a very similar name: Yasmine (Yaz) Kari's friend in their Christmas story - the second part of which will be out in December. For this reason, I may end up changing 'Jasmine's' name to something else.

Let me know what you think! :)




Love to see a work in progress and these two look fantastic!!! Angelica such a deliciously greedy hog, and Jasmine porking up as well. Amazing!!!


Very nice! Love the pic and the back story!


Wonderful 😍. Great idea the WIP. Loved the image and the story which went with this 👍