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'Uurff ... stop!'

Josh smiled as he obeyed the grunted instruction, pausing halfway across the villa's back yard. He felt the weight lift as his blonde cargo removed the arm that had been slung around his shoulders and staggered over to the table, slamming her palms down on its glass surface, much as an angry businesswoman might slam her hands down on a boardroom table before berating her staff.

For once, however, Angelica Clay was in no condition to berate anyone. Huffing and wheezing like a steam engine, the glamorous blonde was leaning so heavily on the table that Josh half expected it to tip up and smack her in the face. Her eyelids trembled as if struggling to hold up the weight of her thick lashes, and each gasping wheeze made her golden honeycomb curls flutter around her cheeks.

Josh looked at her, and decided he couldn't resist.

'Come on, I don't want to see anyone slacking!' he shouted, echoing, in a much cheerier tone, the exact words Angelica had yelled at him and the rest of the class during yesterday's boot camp. He clapped his hands together twice. 'Pick up that medicine ball and move those legs!'

The only thing moving, however, was Angelica's bosom, which heaved enormously beneath her halter top as she stared into the distance, fighting to get her breathing under control.

'Fuck—off.' she huffed after a few moments, the words separated by a huge intake of breath.

Then she frowned.

'What medicine ball?'

Josh looked confused. 'The one you just put down on that table, of course.' And when Angelica bulged her eyes at him in sullen incomprehension, he stepped forward, smirked, and prodded a finger into her belly.

It was only a gentle prod, but the belly in question was so densely packed with brunch that Josh's fingertip bounced off the taut skin as if were a trampoline.

A croaking belch rippled Angelica's lips.

'Fuck off,' she huffed again, stroking her disturbed middle. 'It's my cheat day.'

Josh grinned. 'Game on,' he said, reaching across to squeeze Angelica's right tit, and nuzzling his nose into her glorious golden curls, soft and Jasmine scented – with the vaguest hint of deep-fried pork.

Angelica rolled her eyes, but she couldn't keep a faint smile from curling her lip. It was gone quickly, replaced by a grimace and another burp.

'Ugh,' she groaned, 'just get me to my sauna.'

Chuckling to himself, Josh bent down so that she could sling her arm around him. Get me to my sauna. As if she were a sci-fi villain returning to her regeneration chamber. Except that in Angelica's case it hadn't been a superhero that had defeated her, but a supersized meal.

Though in her defence it had clearly been one hell of a meal. As he half-carried the groaning blonde across the patio, Josh decided that his medicine ball analogy wasn't far off the mark. Angelica's usually flattish abdomen looked as full and heavy as the sandbags she forced her exhausted bootcampers to carry from one end of the track to the other. And like them she was cradling it with her forearm and seemed to be genuinely struggling with the weight.

Of course, a bloated stomach was pretty inevitable after an all-you-can-eat "Fat Friday Feast" at the Jamal Al Qasr – surely one of the most decadent and debauched events on the planet, with unlimited drinks and 45 gourmet cooking stations boasting sumptuous mountains of food from all corners of the Earth. Back when he'd been a taxi driver, Josh had picked up no end of bloated brunchers from the Al Qasr, and the surcharge for vomiting in his cab had been one of his most lucrative sources of income.

Still, he wasn't sure he'd ever seen anyone quite so staggeringly, strainingly stuffed as Angelica currently was. The blonde's stomach was so big and swollen that Josh half-wondered if she'd had an allergic reaction to something.

She always goes for the bloatiest foods, he thought, smiling to himself as he recalled the day he and Angelica had first met, almost a year ago now. He'd come round to clean the leaves from Ken's pool as usual, only to find a stunning bikini-clad blonde floating on its surface instead, her hands and heels trailing in the sparkling waters, athletic yet feminine limbs glistening in the Dubai sun – and a belly as puffed up as the inflatable swan she was lounging on.

'My fiancée,' Ken had explained, with no shortage of leering smugness in his tone. And then, sensing that further elaboration was required, he'd added: 'Erm, it was her first brunch.'

Imagine Josh's surprise when that same blonde—minus the bloated tummy—had turned up at the boot camp he attended the next morning, introducing herself as the new personal trainer and earning, from that one session alone, a reputation as the toughtest and meanest one in all of Dubai. 'Regina George in a sports bra', Josh's friend Lacey had grumbled bitterly, as she completed a fifty burpee penalty for failing to keep up her speed above 15kpm on the air dyne.

Josh wondered what Lacey and indeed the rest of Angelica's boot campers would think if they could see their haughty tormentor now: so stuffed that she could barely walk, her belly billowing forward like a sail in a full wind.

Not that it was helping her to move any more quickly. If anything she was slowing down. Josh soon realised why. Every time one of Angelica's feet landed a taut jiggle passed through her bulging tum, bringing a tense grimace and sea-green flush to her cheeks that made her increasingly reluctant to take the next step. He sighed. At this rate it would be dark by the time they reached the sauna. Obviously Angelica wasn't going to be capable of doing much, but he had hoped for at least a quick fondle before Ken got back from his golf.

'Where—are the others?' Angelica panted.

'The brunette's on the couch,' said Josh, his sauna-related hopes rising. 'Don't worry,' he added quickly, 'I gave her a bucket. The big one was too drunk to climb the stairs to the front door, and there was no way I could lift her, so I brought a sunlounger round to the front and left her in that. And the hot blonde is snoozing in the spare room.'

'Fuck off,' Angelica growled. '*I'm* the hot blonde.'

Josh drew in deep breath, as if weighing the matter. 'Hmm, I dunno babe. Your friend does have really nice legs.'

He knew he was walking a tightrope. Angelica's ego was even more bloated than her belly, and though not particularly tall she was especially proud of her legs, always pairing the highest possible heels with the shortest possible skirts to show off the shapely fullness of her thighs, and wearing glittering gold anklets that drew attention to the astonishing bulb-like plumpness of her calves, which—uniquely in Josh's experience—began their outwards curve just milimeters above the ankle.

On the other hand, he knew that just the right amount of teasing would work in his favour. A junior track athlete turned footballer turner personal trainer, Angelica was insanely competitive. If Josh goaded her a little (but not too much) she'd sleep with him just to prove he couldn't resist her.

And if she didn't... well, that blonde upstairs wasn't going anywhere, was she?'

Angelica broke into Josh's calculations with a snort of contempt. 'Perhaps Amelia was hot - once. But she's gotten fat at uni. Didn't you seen the big beer gut on her? Yes, I know–' Angelica sighed impatiently as Josh cocked an eyebrow '–but I'm just bloated.'

No shit, Josh thought, pushing open the door to the sauna, a small, hexagonal room attached to the main villa. It was one of several additions Angelica had demanded when she'd moved in. Ken had questioned the need for a sauna in Dubai, but Angelica had insisted. She couldn't spend all her time lounging in the sun--that would ruin her perfect skin. So naturally she needed somewhere else to lounge. And of course, she got what she wanted.

It suited Josh. Tucked away behind several palm trees, the sauna provided the perfect spot for him and Angelica to slip into for a quick shag after he'd finished cleaning the pool, while Ken was out playing golf or away on business.

Knowing Angelica as he did, Josh sometimes wondered if this had been in her mind too when she'd demanded it.

He felt a soft warmth against his chest as she leaned back into him, purring.

'Untie me.'

Josh didn't need to be asked twice. Nuzzling into Angelica's golden head, he squeezed the straps of her halter dress together to unclip them. She grunted as she felt it tighten and then sighed like a furnace as it fell to her waist, her full bosoms swelling and surging free with an ample bounce. Josh felt his arousal swelling along with them. Biting his lip, he ran his hands down Angelica's arms, making the gorgeous blonde purr like a lioness. She reached up with both hands and gathered her golden mane and pulled it in front of her shoulders, which she then rolled and flexed with a soft moan.

Josh grinned. Much as she enjoyed inflicted punishing cardio sessions on others, Angelica's own focus was "weightlifting and body aesthetics", as her profile on the gym website announced beneath a suitably smug photo, and it certainly showed. She was incredibly vain about her strong yet feminine physique.

But strong and feminine though it undoubtedly was, that physique had definitely gotten chunkier since Josh had first seen her in the pool all those months ago. And not just with muscle. When she'd raised her arms to gather her hair, the creases around Angelica's back had bunched like squished cushions. And the flexing of her shoulders—clearly intended to show off her lats—did little more than send a subtle ripple through the thick padding of pudge that had developed over the muscle tone of her back. Even her arms looked plumper.

She's taking in more calories than she's burning off, Josh realised, thinking of all the huge cheat meals Angelica stuffed into herself.

And there were certainly no prizes for working out where the bulk of those calories had ended up.

Josh was almost drooling as he eased the purple halter dress down the great round swell of Angelica's bottom. An impressive bubble shape thanks to squats and a sporty background, it seemed to have grown larger and fatter every time Josh saw it, as if expanding with each indulgent brunch and boozy girls' night the blonde had enjoyed over the past year. Josh forced himself to go slowly, peeling the dress down Angelica's curvaceous rump with the tenderness and awe of an art lover uncovering a lost Da Vinci, gradually unveiling more and more and more of that tantalising tanned plumpness. As he reached the widest, plumpest part of her hips, Josh's fingers began to tremble with lust, causing Angelica to let out a purr of sexual power that echoed through her body.

Her hefty haunches quivered.

This was simply too much for Josh. With a sudden violent tug, he wrenched the dress down as if ripping off a plaster. The full magnificence of Angelia's arse burst free with a drool-inducing wobble, bobbing juicily as it settled into place.

Josh staggered back, gargling saliva, while Angelica leaned forward, drink with power, pouting her fat bottom into his crotch. She was delighted to hear a whimper of desperate lust as her arse crack bumped into the tip of his rock-hard erection. Who's the hot blonde now? Angelica thought smugly, wiggling her bum against Josh's dick. No one teases The Goddess. With a deep moan she leaned forward, slowly maximising the bulge of her buttocks.


Angelica jolted back up, clamping a hand to her mouth as her monstrous brunch roiled and rose within her, forced up into her throat by the excessive bending. 'Ohhhhh!' She belched again, clutching her tummy.

None of this registered on Josh, who was far too fixated on the way Angelica's fat arsecheeks had clapped together like a pair of jellies when she'd leapt up, as if his dick had given her an electric shock. Eyes bulging like squids, he stretched both hands towards her still-rippling rump. But just as his fingertips were within millimetres, his prize moved out of reach.

'Uuuughh!' Angelica groaned, staggering to the bench. A loud slap of meat on wood echoed through the sauna as she plonked herself down. Leaning back, she scrunched her eyes shut in pain, and slowly lifted her legs so that she was lying flat on her back, one hand massaging her protruding middle.

For a few seconds Josh stared numbly at the overfed blonde. Reclining amidst the steamy heat in all her glorious golden nakedness, with her waves of honeycomb hair twisting and tumbling about shoulders and her swollen belly pulsing beneath her fingers with each laboured breath, she put him in mind of a lioness that had scored an enormous kill and hadn't known when to stop eating.

Josh watched Angelica's knuckles tense as she grimaced and squeezed at her bloated paunch, desperately willing the feast within to settle. Too many slices of sachertorte, he thought bitterly, knowing the blonde's fondness for Bavarian puddings.

He knelt down beside the bench, adding his own hand to Angelica's engorged tummy, just in time to feel a quaking grumble beneath the surface. Josh's eyes widened at sensation of movement beneath his palm as her massive brunch shifted like an unborn child.

'Jesus babe,' he gasped. 'How much did you eat?'

Amidst the pouting scrunch-eyed, green cheeked groans, a tiny smirk twitched at the corner of Angelica's lips.

'The most,' she said. And Josh wasn't sure whether it was his imagination, but she seemed to push her bloated belly up even further against his hand, before another bubbling belch caused it to deflate slightly.

Even eating is a competition to her, he realised. And outeating other people turns her on just as much as outrunning or outlifting them. Josh wondered if Angelica really had packed away more food than the obese Marilyn Monroe impersonator he'd left in a food coma on the sunlounger out front. It seemed unlikely. The woman out front was fatter than a hippo, one of the most whoppingly obese humans Josh had ever seen. The odd thing was that she had clearly once been a stunner. Once you got over the blubbery chins and jowls, her face was incredibly attractive. Josh could hardly believe that someone so hot could let themselves go like that.

He looked again at Angelica, wondering if the same thing might happen to her one day. She was certainly greedy enough. But too vain, surely, to get that big.

Still, if she kept eating like she had today, it couldn't be long before that brunch bulge became a permanent feature. And then... well, who knew? She wasn't exactly known for her self-control.

Josh chuckled at the image of a vastly obese Angelica, stylish lime-green gym gear straining around her swaying bulk as she struggled, grumbling and huffing, to haul her huge body onto the assault bike, her wobbling buttocks devouring the small seat. He pictured his fellow bootcampers sniggering in the background as Angelica's enormous tummy—now more yoga ball than sandbag—flopped down onto the handlebars, obscuring the readout. It was an unusually vivid image, so much so that Josh swore he could almost hear the machine creaking beneath her.

The image flickered and dimmed. Back in the sauna, Josh realised that what he could actually hear was the bench creaking. Angelica was shifting position. She wriggled and grunted, rolling onto her side, presenting him with a prime view of her naked haunches.

Josh gazed at them longingly. Perhaps... perhaps there was still a chance? A drop of Gaviscon, a little belly massage, and then if he was very careful... Josh jumped up with renewed hope. 'I'll get something to settle your stomach babe,' he said, giving an encouraging pat to Angelica's bulging hip.

She dismissed him with grunt and a short, high-pitched fart.

She even breaks wind in a smug way, Josh thought as he darted across the lawn and into the house. Passing through the lounge on his way to the kitchen, he stole a glance at the brunette. Lying on her side, she was snoring gently, head close to the bucket, one hand resting on a stomach so plump and heavily full that the sofa was sagging around it like a cradle.

What was it about being in group, Josh wondered as he rummaged through the cupboards, that made girls eat so much? He'd seen it countless times, in both England and Dubai. His own ex-girlfriend Zoe had been a prime example. A relatively light eater on dates, she'd gorge herself silly with her friends. Josh remembered her heading out for an Italian meal and drinking session in Chester for her birthday, only for one of her friends to call him an hour later saying that Zoe was ill and needed to be picked up. Too many jaegar bombs, Josh had assumed. But when he arrived, Zoe was quite sober and simply complained of feeling 'under the weather'. Only when a concerned Josh had quizzed her later in bed did she admit, rather sheepishly, that she'd stuffed herself sick on calzone and cheesecake.

Finding the Gaviscon, Josh poured a glass of water and raced back to the sauna. 'Here we go babe,' he said, plopping the tablets into the water. 'Don't say I never—'

Josh stopped. Heavy laboured snores filled the sauna. Swearing under his breath, he started towards Angelica, intending to give her shoulders a gentle shake. But no... that would only upset her belly. Game over, he thought with a sigh of with frustration. He lingered there, in faint hope, watching her hip rise and her smooth tanned buttocks ripple with each snore, until adter a few momets, his thoughts began to wander.

They wandered back into the house.

They wandered up the staircase.

Josh looked at the fizzy glass of Gaviscon in his hand.

'Well,' he said under his breath. 'No sense letting it go to waste.'




Love it - some great characterisation in here! Quite like the fact that she lets one rip as well - is this a particular kink you’ve been holding back in your stories to date?

eric ortiz

Nice story! I love the descriptions of how stuffed Angelica is.


Thank you! I had real fun with them - and describing her bum too.


Thank you! I almost didn't put the fart in, as not something that really "does it" for me - which is funny because burping really does! But it seemed realistic in the context and associated with her fullness. I also liked the idea of it being almost a dismissive gesture on Angelica's part.


Wow love it! Angelica is quite the greedy hogette! She is distinctly less lazy than the other glamorous fatties you write about but she is definitely no slouch in the confidence department!


Thank you! She is as full of herself as she is of sachertorte.

Adriano Ziffer

Angelica gets her time under the spotlight and this new character Josh seems interesting as well!


Thank you! Both will be featuring in further stories - especially Angelica!


Really love this one and Angelica continues to be my favourite of your characters!