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Thanks to a traditional Italian mother, Holly grew up in a house where family meant food and food meant family. Every mealtime the table would sag under a feast of oily pastas, spicy meats and dense breads, and overeating was encouraged as a sign of love and appreciation. Indeed, few things made Nicola Moore prouder than the sight of her three gorgeous olive-skinned daughters eating their own mountains of spaghetti and meatballs flat and then laughing as they pulled over the half-consumed portions pushed away by their boyfriends, who could only watch in dazed awe as the Moore girls continue to feast, sweeping large chunks of bread around their plates to soak up the oily juices, before moving on to the tiramisu.

Of course, carbs have consequences. Yet despite studiously avoiding exercise, Holly somehow managed to maintain her naturally lean physique into her late teens - much to the annoyance of her siblings, whose plumpening cheeks turned green with envy at the sight of their sister staying trim while their own hips and bottoms softened and swelled to match their mother's. 

It wasn't until her second year at university that Holly's miracle metabolism started to fail her, much to the delight of Sofia and Vittoria, who surrounded her with snacks and sugary cocktails throughout the family's holiday on the Amalfi coast, giggling at the daily sight of their oh-so-perfect sister snoozing in a sun lounger, a contented smile on her face and her slim fingers entwined atop a distinctly overstuffed tummy.

But with her handsome boyfriend squeezing her curves just as eagerly as she squeezes chocolate sauce onto her ice cream, Holly was far too confident to be concerned about a little extra padding. A natural hedonist, the auburn beauty loved food too much to diet and was too lazy to do any serious workouts. And so Holly gained weight. Steadily and elegantly. Year on year.

Though not inclined to gobble like Gemma or gulp her meals down like Abby, there is one food group for which Holly's greed is unrivalled: chocolate. The normally refined and sophisticated estate agent loses all sense of proportion during the annual Easter Egg hunt hosted by David's family, competing with as much enthusiasm (though a little less speed and agility) as the younger members of the family. Gathering on the sidelines, the male Moores nudge each other and whistle silently every time David's half-Italian stunner bends down to retrieve another chocolate egg, her rump rising and straining her stylish jeans wide, ignoring the cries of unfairness from the younger participants blocked off by her hips

Halloween is a close second favourite, and Holly always looks forward to taking her niece trick or treating, dressing skimpily and flirting outrageously to maximise their haul. One particularly memorable year, David returned from a late Halloween gym session to find his wife snoring on the sofa in a very sexy Lara Croft getup, a slug-trail of drool rolling down her chin and a small pile of plastic wrappers resting atop a very puffed-out belly, which rose tubbily with each chocolate-sotted snore, while the latest Tomb Raider film played on the TV. Smiling, David spent the next two hours watching the "real" Lara Croft complete various feats of athleticism, while affectionately rubbing and patting the chocolate-glutted paunch of his own rather more lethargic Lara, chuckling as he pictured Holly's cheeks puffing as she swung her pampered body from tree vines and tried to squeeze her wobbly haunches through temple windows.

He wasn't surprised to find himself getting more than a little turned on.

Gluttony rating: 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫


Thanks so much for reading! Sorry if this one seems a bit rushed. I'll probably come back and tweak the text in future, but for now I'm trying to follow Winston Churchill's maxim that "perfection is also spelt paralysis" and just get stuff posted.

Still to come this month: Kari's Christmas Carol, a very brief scene and illustration. Sadly I couldn't quite get it done in time for the big day, but it'll be posted before the end of the month.

All that remains is for me to wish a very Happy Christmas to one and all!  🎄 Thank you so, so much for all your support this year. Whenever I'm feeling brain-fogged or uninspired, your comments and likes keep me writing, and I really can't thank you all enough for enabling me to earn some money doing something I love. :-)




Amazing!! But how many cupcakes is she in comparison to gemma and amelia??? Where does she stack up!


Love the Holly before and after and the back story...she's actually one of my favourites of your characters. So many delicious details in the picture and she has filled out very nicely in those 10 years...particularly love her fleshed out face. Never easy to get right but you have done an awesome job :)


Thanks so much! It was quite challenging to get her looking plumper and older but still like the same person. Holly's fleshier look in the after photo was partly inspired by a "you'll never guess who I bumped into!" chat I had with a friend last week. The girl he'd bumped into was THE hot girl from our hall of residence at uni. I don't have her on Facebook (wasn't anywhere near cool enough!) but my friend said he'd chatted to her for a bit, and she'd complained of gaining over two stone during lockdown. He showed me a pic of her, and she was definitely plumper than in her university days, though still very confident and glamorous. She immediately made me think of Holly.


Amazing work!! Holly is my favourite character and she looks great chubbier! Great story too!! Thanks and Merry Christmas!!


Amazing work! The before and after pics definitely help paint a clear picture, especially with her rounder face. Hope to work with you again in the near future!


Love the work!! Love the shape of her thighs and her belly! We are nervous to see the Debbie Sports Day II. The fans of her character really want to see the damage 10 years of gluttony can do to her waistline.