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Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope Santa has brought plenty of gifts - and lots of chocolates, mince pies and prosecco for the ladies. 🎅🥂

My annual Christmas Eve drinks last night (at a rather posh bar) were a hoot. I'm pleased to report plenty of evidence of an indulgent festive party season for the local ladies. Everywhere I looked bosoms were bulging, dress straps were digging into soft shoulders and well-fed tummies were creating a deliciously podgy swell in sparkly dresses that can't have been squeezed into without a considerably amount of grunting and grimacing - and in a few cases, probably some butter too.

The highlight, though, was a very pretty blonde barmaid, whose festive jumper couldn't quite cover the extent of her festive excesses. A deliciously soft middle, clearly the beneficiary of plenty of mulled wine and mince pies, kept popping over the lip of her jeans and would wobble ever so slightly as she reached for the gin from the top shelf. She also had a nice full bottom that attracted plenty of attention whenever she bent over to get a beer from the coolers, so it was quite a dilemma to decide what to order.

But I digress. I promised chapter 6 of The Lady Wot Lunched before Christmas. Alas the full chapter isn't quite ready - and, sod's law, the bit that needs some work is right in the middle, so I can't post it in two halves. The best I can do is post the first two pages now, just as a taster. There'll probably be some tweaks in the finished version.

So here there are! I hope you enjoy them. The full chapter will be published very soon. Many apologies for the delay. I hope - and think - it'll be worth the wait!

PS You might also want to re-download part 5. I recently made some minor alterations to it, in anticipation of some things that are going to happen in part 6.



Great stuff as usual! Looking forward to the finished article! What's causing you a problem? This seems really well written and cohesive... Are you just struggling to decide what to do with the plot?


Thank you! With The Lady wot lunched, I have the general plot mapped out (though I tend to add, alter and sometimes remove scenes as I go). Perhaps "struggling" isn't quite the right word. It's the making it well written and cohesive that takes the time! I know what I need to do in the section I'm working on, it just needs some more work and thinking in order to flow and "fit", if that makes sense.


Fantastic update, love the descriptions of Abby and her gain. Getting too big for a Porsche ;) Very hot!


Thank you! It may not be the only thing she's getting too big for. ;)


Wow, this is shaping up to be one of the best chapters of any story you've written. I think what I enjoy most is seeing things from Ryan's perspective. Of all your characters, he's had the most "intimate" view of Abby's progress, which somehow makes his observations more sexy. Also, I love Peter, but Ryan's alpha-maleness makes for a nice contrast. You sense that, attractive though Abby may be, he could stand up to her outsized ego. And his familiarity with her personality traits — particularly her vanity — are also very humorous, as is your twist on the old "angel/devil on the shoulder" cliché. Very, very well done. More soon please, lol!


Is the Coronavirus outbreak and associated self isolation going to mean solid progress on this splendid novel?


Haha. It might do in a little while. But so far it has been chaos. I'm now working from home, but we've had a lot of clients affected by the economic impact of Coronavirus, so we've been ridiculously busy. I didn't finish work until after 10pm last night. That said, I'm hoping things will calm down and that I'll have some more time to work on stories and pics. I've got a few concepts in the works to hopefully cheer people up a little. I'll be posting an update this weekend. Hope you're well.


Must be time for an update soon sir! I'm super keen to find out whether her dress is gunna fit (though tbf I can't see it going over her arse if she can't even get it over her belly!)


Ah, she's certainly in a spot of bother! It won't be long now. So sorry for the ridiculously long wait! I've been taking an online writing course recently, which is helping me immensely, but has led to quite a bit of editing of my "in progress" stories to make them (I hope) a bit more exciting.