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Hi All,

I've created an overhaul of the way writing books works and the Writing Career including both the Author and Journalism branches. They are now semi-active careers with over 40 possible assignments. All options are available under the phone (Social or Work menus) or computer (Writing, Web Research, or Socialize menus)

Writing Career
Author Career Branch  
Sims in the Author branch are automatically assigned to agents and have negotiated a standing book deal. Sims in this branch has all new promotion requirements and custom objectives. There are over 30 possible work from home assignments for the Author branch.

Journalism Career Branch
All new promotion requirements and custom objectives including from other packs. There are over 30 possible work from home assignments for the Journalism branch. Journalist focus on writing articles. Sometimes articles require editing before they can be published. Journalist have deadlines from their editors to meet in order to make the print deadlines and count as published. There's a chance when published for a story to become a cover story.

Writing Books

Sims who write outlines before beginning a book can become focused and Sims who do Research for their Writing Piece can become inspired.

First Draft
Writing sims takes a little bit longer than before (6 hours instead of 4) but it goes down back to 4 the higher score your sim has. Once the draft is complete, depending on your sims writing skill they will either be able to make finishing touches before self-publishing or placing in their private collection, or if level 5 or above, writing a query letter to attract an agent or editor. If they already have an agent, the agent will request a draft and may make suggestions.

Finding Agent/Publisher
In order to be published, sims must have a publisher. The first step to getting a publisher is to write a query letter. There's a chance a sim can be rejected but they can send more query letters until successful. Once they have an editor or agent interested, they'll need to send a copy of the draft. After a book is published and if a sim doesn't already have an agent, there's a chance an agent will call to offer their services. Additionally, sims who are well known authors without agents can reach out directly on their own to hire one.

Book Deal
If the agent/editor likes what they see, they'll make them an offer in the case of an editor or sign them and then find the Sim a publisher who'll make an offer in the case of an agent. The likelihood of getting an editor to look at your query letter is small compared to the likelihood of getting an agent, but having an agent when negotiating a book deal is advantageous. Only sims with agents are eligible for multi-book deals. Once a book deal is negotiated via the phone under the Work menu, the Sim will receive an advance and will hear back from an editor at the publisher.

Editing Process
When a sim hears back from the publisher, there's a chance they can have edits that they want the Sim to make to their draft. Sims must meet the deadlines set forth by the editors, though there's a chance for extensions. Missing too many deadlines can result in sims breaching their contract and losing their book deal!

Getting Published
Once all edits are complete or if none are needed sims chat with the production and design team using computer under the Socialize menu. After meeting with them to discuss book design, the sim submits the final draft to the publisher who sends a printer's proof based on the design conversation. The Sim will need to approve the printer's proof and once done, can then publish their work!

Having an Agent
If a Sim has an agent and has already been published, many parts of the process are expedited. Agents are available during all parts of the process and sims can call them at any time. Agents help negotiate better deals, make suggestions before the editing process that can reduce the need for revisions with the publishing editor, answer questions, and if sims change their mind about self-publishing or putting in private collection can get a publisher to look at the draft. If Sims need to check where they are in the process, they can always chat with their agent via the computer Socialize menu or phone Work menu who will have advice on what they're supposed to be doing or things to do next.

Scoring for New Process
Factors that determine the rate of writing, the likelihood of attracting an agent via query letter and draft submission, how many edits are necessary, making a good deal, and bypassing other requirements include books written, books published, writing skill, other creative skills, inspired or focused mood, fame ranks, followers, if outlines or research is done, having an agent, having a university degree, and more.

Factors that determine success in Journalism include writing skill, other creative skills, mental skills, articles written, articles published, cover stories written, fame rank, followers, outlines and research, university degree, mood, and more. 


This career requires only Base Game.

Some work from home assignments and promotion requirements use packs:

Get Famous (for fame)

City Living (for social media/followers, reading mail)

Kuttoe's Career Overhaul is compatible with one important exception: the
[Kuttoe] CareerReqs_Writer.package  
MUST be deleted before using both mods. It is found inside the Career Goals/BG Careers folder.


1. Install the adeepindigo_career_writing_writercareer_overhaul_base package. It's the core required file for this mod.

2. If you own all packs, install all files. If you only own one of the packs (Get Famous or City Living), install only the files that correspond to the packs that you own.




It'd be good if teens could also do this! (:


I’m stuck on the editing process part. There’s not option on the computer so I don’t know how she’s supposed to edit and send to publisher