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As the last surviving yeti, Willump had gone centuries without fighting voidlings. To suddenly be attacked by the very eye of the void, in such an unorthodox and cunning way, threw him completely off guard! In moments, Velkoz fully zonked the mighty beast, as he perched in its mouth! He had succeeded!

It was a small step in his plan to possess Willump, and now came the task of absorbing enough magic to recreate the Yeti civilization under his rule.  With their explosively powerful magic, he could freeze Bel'Veth's lavender sea, and possibly undo the effects of the true ice imprisoning the Watchers.

However, as Vel'koz thought on the future, he realized that the Watchers wanted to destroy the world... that he wanted to understand and learn more about... therefore, they would likely ne displeased if he still desired to learn so much. Learning was the insatiable desire he had been born with... but there was one issue. Nothing, not even the power of the void, melts True Ice, and with his current state, he lacked enough void energy to corrupt it into back ice and free the watchers.

So, everything required him to wait, and stay hidden inside the maw of this beast while he fed on its magic. Or so, he would have preferred. It was at this point that Willump's fangs were starting to burrow into his eye, forcing Vel'koz to push deeper inside the Yeti than he would have liked. As he did, he took full control of Willumps body and senses, now feeling warmth and having a sense of smell for the very first time!

The annoyed eye relegated itself to the pitch black depths of the Yeti's gullet, as he assimilated into it. That way, he couldn't just be spat out or digested! This new form of sensory had revealed to Vel'Koz that there was still much about Runeterra that he did not understand, and needed to learn... and this might be the only way to do it.



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