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This was a special piece I did for Virno Vigoratus on FA.


This was a fun piece that I wanted to make, where Todd/Zero subjugates Strad. This subjugation protocol also ensures no freak situations where programming is compromised results in their master being hunted down by a bunch of burly beast in latex ready to love on him all week lol.

HERE IS THE POLL RESULT :D. I wanted to do something special since this was my first time even doing a poll like this on Patreon, and I can say I'm glad it turned out this well. Thanks to Vir-no-Vigoratus for letting me draw their OC Zero/Todd. I always liked his design and wanted to see more of him, so I offered to draw him.

Story: Strad had always been working for the monster analysis company, for several years. He had been one of their longest employees; mainly because the others were still trapped in the belly of whatever monster consumed them. The job paid well... very well, and most incidents in his job were with small monsters or freak incidents. However, after being betrayed by his team and left for aliens to abduct him for their whim, he was justifiably pissed. Even more so when the company didn't punish the employees who had done this to him! It didn't take too much eavesdropping to realize that the hire ups were afraid of  him getting too good and replacing them, so they paid other employees under the table to "sabotage" this expedition and leave him trapped with some very happy, and slimy monsters that would never let him go.

Well he escaped... and was so mad that when a missing in action report was filed, he didn't show back up to work. It was against protocol, but he had already been fire anyway. He didn't exactly have any friends, since his career scared so many people, but now he was looking for a new one. His wrist still hurt from the bindings put upon them, and he nearly slipped across the kitchen floor from al the slime he tore through, but he made his way to the bed and immediately plopped down in sheer exhaustion. Sleep was well worth it, as he decided to apply for a new job once he'd wake up.

The very next morning, he applied to several jobs online. One struck his interest, "[b]Laboratory Recruit: Tend to all required duties assigned. Be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Any background is ALLOWED. Must have reliable transportation. All beast welcome.[/b]" Be it out of boredom, or curiosity, the roo applied between other applications. The job seemed pretty suspect, but his current one consisted of getting into all kinds of situations with beast that literally no one knew anything about. Right now, he was basically a labrat tasked with documenting what happened in his analysis so that other, wealthier people could avoid such monsters. Frankly, it was a job he was tired of, were it not for the pay. Being a labrat was unofficially his thing at this point. This job dodn't seem so bad, if anyone could do it, and it paid well.

His phone never rang so fast! Minutes after submitting the application, it went off like a jackhammer. He had to catch it before it fell off the table, and was more than skeptical about whoever would be calling him. He knew his boss likely had discovered he had walked out and was furious that he was skipping work, but that guy hardly ever wanted him around anyway. Strad hesitated, knowing it was one of three things. A new employer, his boss, or a spam call. His phone didn't show who exactly, but he didn't recognize the number. That was enough for him to answer, just to see who it was.

There was no response on the other end, but he didn't say hello either. Then, there was a soft hum... and everything went blank. When he snapped out of it, he was on a different page on his computer, saying "[b]Thank you for submitting your information.[/b]" Immediately, he stood up in confusion, shouting "HUH?!" as he looked around the room! The sun was now at high noon, and there was a stack of papers that had come from HIS printer, that weren't there earlier! He wondered if he had blacked out, before looking over the paper. It was a copy of a completed and accepted application! On the next page, it showed that he had submitted his personal information! This made his heart sink, as he had no relocation or understanding of this! He couldn't possibly have fallen asleep! It's like someone or something hypnotized him... but this has never happened by phone before... or has it?

He now began to ponder his life, asking himself why he had taken such a dangerous job as getting attacked and preyed upon by monsters in the first place! Why didn't he protest?! Why didn't he quit or ever complain?! Why was he always happy to do his job, even after he had been betrayed by the hire ups?! One word snapped into his mind... Hypnosis. From a period he hadn't known, he must have been placed under hypnosis and conditioned to not remember it! The feeling of realizing he had been taken advantage of in such a way for so long made him start shaking in confusion and anxiety, as he looked over the papers.

For some reason, the patterns on the papers watermark had started projecting into his mind! It was happening again! Desperately, he throws the paper away, as a dull smile nearly spreads on his face! The paper lands upside down on the floor, as he backs away and shakes his head! This couldn't be real! If it were, he'd been controlled this entire time! There was no way that this could be the case. He couldn't possibly make decisions if under others control! To his dismay, a video on his laptop began to autoplay; a welcoming video for his 'new job' that echoed the same hypnotic sound. 

Strad stared at the computer, only just realizing where the sound was coming from, as a deep voice says [b]"Hello, Strad. Welcome to your knew job. Don't worry... you don't need to think about anything now. We'll take care of you."[/b]

The confused kangaroo was trying to move and turn off the audio or close the window, when the words [b]"OBEY"[/b] started echoing in his head! His hand lost the will to move to either areas, as his eyes began to glaze over! The video he was trying to ignore, was actually a face time with a strange person in a white, reflective suit. He wore a big smile on his face, and a glowing visor, as the roo's glazed eyes began to look back at him involuntarily.

The figure smiles, saying [b]"I am Zero. My master has heard of your dedication, and is impressed. He wants to see you at our laboratory in 2 hours.  We have a 'bonus package' prepared for when you start. Then we'll go over protocol."[/b]

Strad's eyes began to reflect the yellow and blue bands coming from the screen, as a wide smile spread on his face. Eagerly, he responded [b]"Great, I'll be there as soon as possible."[/b] as his memory of being hypnotized was erased for his new job. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he had been conditioned to enjoy being controlled... and was in too deep to resist the zonking now upon his brainwashed mind. He would be very happy at his new job.



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