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Maybe a lot of you didn't see my post on Deviant Art, So I will inform you of the current situation.

To put you back in context quickly, I'm sick with the virus so feared, which will probably limit me from doing my illustrations, However I promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep the regularity of always posting my works, The reason for this message is to excuse me in case I fail to regularly post.

I hope to keep regularity always, and before I finish I thank you wholeheartedly for having been supporting me all this time, thank you very much!



Take care of yourself first and hope you feel better asap. Don't feel pressured to make content for us your wellbeing comes first


Thank you very much for your comment, I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Creating content is one of the things I love most, and what gives me the strength to follow is the gratitude I have for you. To my followers of Deviant Art and of course not least, to you my Patreons who among all fulfilled my dream of being able to work illustrating.


Take care and hope you feel better soon! \o/


Thank you very much for your comment, I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Thank you for your good wishes ^^


Thank you very much for your comment, I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Thank you very much, I hope to be well soon to give 100% as always :3


Thank you very much for your comment, I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Thank you, I'll take the time to rest ^^