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I was planning to do this before, but I haven't had the proper time lately as you have noticed.

This was a pic to celebrate that I have now more than 1000 followers on pixiv!! :D

Even though I'm not been an active artist at all, people is still checking my art and supporting me, that means a lot to me!

I've been having some personal problems but I'll do my best to continue drawing.

I just updated the rewards section, I wanna know if it's ok for you guys if I enable the monthly charges again, I disabled them (changed them to charge per creation) last time because of my job, but I'll move somewhere else soon, it won't be easy and I really need to get a new drawing tablet.

In case you want to support me in a different way, you can donate a coffee (ko-fi), which I would appreciate enormously too (I love coffee): http://ko-fi.com/R6R7B568

I will give you time and wait for your answers  (you gave me more than enough time already)

Not enabling any payments yet (unless you want me to), I can enable them at the start of the next month if you guys agree).

Thanks for your time and support!




Awesome! I want to keep paying per creation.


That's great! I'd like to wait until this weekend to see if someone else wants to keep the support per creation, or if they want it monthly, we can still discuss this so it ends the best way for everyone.