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Hello there again guys, first of all I'd like to thank you guys for still being here, you're the definition of Support

It's ok, this is not a goodbye post, just want to say a couple things and keep you updated, will make it as short as possible, umm...

Short version (if you don't wanna read too much):

Drawing is hard, but I love boobs too much to simply quit lol (some changes coming)

Long version:

I haven't been drawing as much as I'd like, I know I never do, but this time... well, some time ago I lost a lot of motivation, I try to focus and be constant, but I just can't.

I feel that I'm not as good as the rest, I know it's going to take some time and energy, but the payoff won't be as big as I'd like, and this just loops making me think that grabbing that pen won't be worth it again.



So, I don't know if keep trying, or just give up...

And I already know(found) the answer... I... CAN'T give up, I can't abandon what I've enjoyed doing before.

I don't wanna let down the people who have been supporting me, just close the door in front of them

Even if it was just 1 or 2 people, that's still someone.

I'm not the most skilled artist, but what I got so far... don't want it to go to waste

I just need to make things right AND simple, for me and for everyone, and keep it up.

So here's the plan:

  • I'll keep drawing AT LEAST 1 good piece per month (be it art or animation), but I honestly prefer animation, even though it takes more time, it's just more pleasing to watch in my opinion and more rewarding for me.

  • A few changes to my Patreon tiers (please check), will ask a bit more for animations (new ones will be Level 2 Tier only), but I think it's fair.

  • Won't do commissions at the moment, until I feel... actually comfortable with how things are going and I can keep up the pace.

  • Will be doing more fanart than OC content

    Even though I love my OC Aria, and I know others do too, I want to do what works best, and numbers talk by themselves, my fanart content is the most bookmarked and liked, my OC stuff: not so much, and that's fine, can't complain when it comes to popularity:

    But I will still do OC content every now and then.

And that's it for now, wish you all the best!


Andrew Torres

I love your artwork and especially I love the girl name Aria she’s so cute and super sexy because of her humongous boobs that I always care about all the time so keep up the good work!