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They just wanted to give you some special stuff. 

La verdad he estado bastante agobiada últimamente. Me duele en el alma que cosas tan malas me estén pasando últimamente y a veces incluso pienso en dejar de hacer dibujos y lo que me gusta...
Pero luego están ustedes, amigos de patreon. Que sois la hostia. Con vuestro amor y palabras.
Muchísimas gracias por estar presentes. 

Este video va dedicado a ustedes. Gracias por confiar en mi!


The truth is I've been pretty overwhelmed lately. It hurts my soul that such bad things are happening to me lately and sometimes I even think about stopping drawing pictures and what I like ...
But then there are you guys from patreon. You're the real MVP. With your love and words, you make my day better.
Thank you very much for being present.

This video is dedicated to you. Thanks for trusting me!


PAKT Christmas 20'

My fuckers send you regards from Japan


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