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Alexcito es nuestro abuelito más querido.

Está loquito, es gracioso, querendón y siempre tendrá una palabra para hacerte sentir mejor, y que así te des cuenta, de que no hay mal que por bien no valga: siempre podemos mejorar, aprender y después de la lluvia siempre viene el sol.

Creé a Alex sin querer: es ese personaje que está muy profundo dentro de mi, que me insiste en no rendirme, en creer en mi, y en el hecho de que soy amada. Alex es el pegamento emocional de PAKT y aunque ha cometido mil errores en su vida, ha llegado su momento para redimirse. 

Alex, te amamos. No te mueras nunca


Alexcito is our dearest grandfather.

He is crazy, he is funny, he loves him and he will always have a word to make you feel better, and that way you realize, that there is no harm that is not worth good: we can always improve, learn and after the rain the sun always comes.

I accidentally created Alex: he is that character that is very deep within me, who insists me on not giving up on me, on believing in myself, and that I am loved and I deserve to be loved. Alex is PAKT's emotional glue and although he has made a thousand mistakes in his life, his time has come to redeem himself.

Alex, we love you. Please, don't ever die



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