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Hi beautiful patrons 🥰

As you know we have already released the 0.0.2 update, we want to take this moment to thank you for your support and hope you are enjoying the new content.  😎

Whether you have been with us for a long time or you are new, you make it possible to continue with this project that we love so much, and although we have not yet reached our first goal, the gradual growth that we are having motivates us to continue with this work, and we are confident that we will soon achieve our first goal.  😉

But in the meantime we are already working on the next 0.0.3 Maki update, to launch it faster than the new one. 🤩

So expect more information and of course exclusive polls for patrons. 😍


Como sabrán ya hemos lanzado la actualización 0.0.2, queremos aprovechar este momento para agradecerles por su apoyo y esperamos que estén disfrutando el nuevo contenido. 

Tanto como si llevan tiempo con nosotros, como si son nuevos ustedes hacen posible continuar con este proyecto que amamos tanto, y aunque aun no llegamos a la primera meta, el crecimiento gradual que estamos teniendo nos motiva a seguir con este trabajo, y tenemos la confianza en que pronto lograremos nuestra primera meta. 

Pero mientras tanto ya estamos trabajando en la siguiente actualización 0.0.3 Maki, para lanzarlo mas rápidamente que la nueva.

Así que esperen más información y por supuesto encuestas exclusivas para mecenas.




Angie is a true tsundere joy! Both paths were fun as well, though I think it would be better if the test question information were made available early on with some exploration, possibly in the library. Animations continue to be fantastic, and the "after-cum" pictures after the animations are definitely a treat, many thanks for adding those!


Thanks 😍 We have thought of adding the possibility of seeing this information in the library as an option. Although our main idea is that you will try both timelines 😋 that's why Angie gives you the answers after losing.