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You’ll have noticed a lack of activity over the last week. This was caused by an unforeseen medical crisis which put me out of action for a few days!

I’m home again now, but have been told to take it very easy for the next couple of weeks while I recover. This means there probably won’t be many posts from me just yet.

I want to get back to posting images regularly again as soon as I can, but it will be a question of finding a healthy work/life balance. I suspect overwork was partly responsible for the health issue in the first place. But I will get back to posting again, once I'm up to it.

I will be very grateful for those who want to continue as Patrons – it will certainly be a very important source of support in the challenging days ahead. However, I totally understand if anyone decides that they no longer want to be Patrons.

For those who choose to stick around, I promise that there will be more good stuff to come!

Thanks for your patience and understanding.



Mr. Metzger

I hope you'll heed the advice and take it very easy for a while, even if it completely contradicts your usual, very high level of productivity ;-)

J Arco

Glad you're well. Take care of yourself.