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Again, I've done two drawings to illustrate today's theme:

Drawing 1: It's Dyna vs. Tank! And the tank is losing...

...or, more precisely, the three young punks who thought they could get away with stealing a military tank from the New Vista National Guard Armory and taking it on a combination joy ride/crime spree are losing. (The third punk? Trapped under the hatch Dyna is standing on.)

This is a rougher sketch than I'd normally post, but I didn't have the time to polish it up in time for the day. (It would have the kind of detail I'd easily spend two or three days on.) But I didn't want something this sketchy-looking to be the only representation of my work, so I did a second drawing...

Drawing 2: Here we see the lovely Cynthia "Starburst" Robinson modeling a fetching tank top imprinted with a design of the popular comics character "Tetsuko"...

...yes, I've decided that Tetsuko appears as a fictional character in Starburst's continuity.

It took me about as long to complete this drawing, start to finish, as I spent (so far) on the "Dyna vs. Tank" sketch. Yes, simpler drawing, but that was the point.

Anyway: as usual, here are the download links.



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