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Well, as some of you already know, I'm moving to another city.

Having to move is already intense enough, but this one... it's driving me to the brink of sanity! hehe

However, it will be for a place that promises to be good!

With that said, I need to inform you that, starting tomorrow, I will be off for a few days, due to the trip and also to be able to get ready and settle in, at least in what is most necessary.

But here I'll take the opportunity to show you a sneak-peek of an new art I've already started!
We will have our dear Scott.

What our Mr. Summers will be involved this time?!

Stay tuned, and see you in a few days my Dear Ones! ✨



Michael D

I love me a good Cyclops harness with some nipple play.

Jarrad George

Have a smooth move and looking forward to more art 😍