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Hello my dears!
And who here is a fan of  the couple Rictor and Shatterstar?!

YES! We will have another fanart of more characters from the Marvel Universe here. And this time, this heroes couple from the famous X-Force team.

And since we're in a Christmas mood, I thought it appropriate to do the two in a steamy scene right under a Mistletoe ornament.

I confess that it has been a pleasure to illustrate these two together.
And here are the sketches and Lineart of this Art.

I hope you like it my dears✨

And stay tuned because I'm working on the coloring of this Art, and when I finish it, I'll post them here for you!




I love that you gave them different looking dicks. Nothing worse than cookie-cutter cocks. hahaha!


I’m already losing my mind over this 😍


Perry my Dear! Ah!!! How GLAD I am that you notice these kinds of details! It means so So Much to me that you see and appreciate these subtleties. I think diversity is immensely precious, and should be celebrated even in details like these! Thank you so much my dear! ✨


Awwww Reid!! How HAPPY I am to know that you are already full of Joy and Excitement about this Coming Art! Thank you, Thank you so much my Dear! And I hope this art can please you even more when I complete them my Darling! ✨