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Yes, yes, you read that correctly!
Sailor Moon! Hehehe

When I was a young teenager, this was one of the animations that I loved at the time.
And even the original version was already a story full of queer characters and representation of LGBTQIA+ characters.
I've been wanting to play with the series for sooo many years and pay my respects.
And here we are.

The intention is to do a bit of gender-bending in some characters, interpreting them here as gay guys.
In addition, I am taking inspiration from the concepts and costumes, but re-imagining in my own way this magical sailor aesthetic. And still leaving it super queer! Haha ha

Here you can see some of the original test sketches for the Sailor Moon outfit, as well as the finished LineArt.

Stay tuned because I've finished the final version and I'll post it in a few minutes.

I Hope you like it my Dears! ✨




Oh my gosh!✨❤️✨ This is something I didn't know I needed until now!✨❤️✨ Cannot wait! This anime was my childhood


Ooow Sweet Ádám! How Glad I'm feeling with your Appreciation on this! Thank you very, very much my Friend! ✨


It gives me so many outrageously good vibes!! 😍 😁