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So here, I share with you the sketches I made for the Leo art of the COSMOS Project.

Leo is one of my Arts that the original sketch still quite pleases me.

The proud pose bearing the presence of Leo ... the solar plexus open to the sky connecting with the Sun ...
All four members clinging to the ground, since it is a fixed sign.
The biggest difference was the removal of the fire (since I removed it from all the signs) as well as leave the lion (behind) quiet (although ... looking now ... the lion seems so diminished without roaring ... maybe I change back) as well as removing the lion's tail from the character...

As the Lion is one of the Kings of the African Savannah, I find it immensely fair that the Guy of this Artwork shows a beautiful black skin, and to play with the allusion of the Sun, I think I'll do a slightly light hair... while his afro hair locks will almost mimics the rays of the solar star.

Hope you like it!



Bruno Faria Campos

Mano você é fod@ demais kkkkk esses sketches me fazem chorar kkkkk