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And so here we are continuing with the COSMOS Project, and now it's time for Gemini.

For the development of this Artwork I found some challenges...
Since I do not intend to expand the area of ​​any of the Images in this project, fitting 4 guys (2 in the focus of the image and 2 other guys as Zodiac Sign in the back) in a limited space... it can starts to generate a lot of noise...
Especially if these guys represented, have to express the essence of Gemini.

Here, I tried to play with the idea of ​​Communication, Exchange, as well as Different Looks, Postures and Tastes, and even so, all in a very Friendly and United way.
I tried to express the tireless joviality and energy that this Sign brings us.

It is a tangle of paths, ideas beginning, playful games and partnerships.

Oh, and as I mentioned before (in Taurus), there are some very old sketches here, but the idea has always been the same...

I hope these sketches please you, and Sorry for my delay (I had health setbacks)



Bruno Faria Campos

I really this! It so nice to see how things evolved. Lovely ❤️


Muito legal! Achei eles meio sátiros. Era essa ideia?


Sim, a idéia eram eles serem bem dinâmicos, cheio de energia e brincalhões. Sátiro é uma relação interessante de tu levantares. Quis fazer-los Muito unidos, ainda que com posturas levemente diferentes. (por isso tentei representar um mais espalhafatoso com movimentos abertos, enquanto o outro levemente mais comportado). Mas, diferente de peixes que perde-se facilmente sobre o que é seu e o que é do outro, Gêmeos tem essas duas mentes trabalhando em conjunto.