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Here's a small bonus for you tier 3 and up folks. I will likely reveal this weapon in a stream next month but I wanted to show it to some folks early, hehe.

So, it's no secret that W.A.N.D. weapons are all about combining non weapon things into weapons. And results are sometimes quite funny and creative. But I think so far this one takes the cake.

Gumball machine mixed with a chain whip/flail. 

But instead of gumballs, it has glass smoke balls/bombs inside of it. And yes, they would be colourful and explode into colourful smoke.

It's so stupid. I love it.




Creative looking weapons are always a site to see. ^w^


Before I read the description, I thought that was his bottle, and I thought this MF was SWINGING his LIFE FORCE around! But no, it is indeed very cool, and significantly less stupid than what my brain came up with. XD


Completely impractical, looks totally ridiculous. Nobody in their right mind would ever design a weapon like this. 10/10 I love it.