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Here's progress of the first BUP Shorts.

First thing to designs was the name and logo for this series. I did land on BUP Shorts. Short and simple. And kinda fitting since I knew first one would be this comic about Whinter getting new pants.

I put together a BUP version of the full logo, and quickly landed on the Shorts part of the logo's colors. Might do some tweaking of the # number and title fonts but for now, they work.

Then the actual comic. I'm sure most fun came from the clothes Whinter is trying out. And the obvious cheeky Splatoon reference. 

I did also consider his second clothes panel be him trying some REALLY firm fitting small shorts. But I got that idea too late as I was already coloring this and was too lazy to change it. Darn, fan service has to wait for other day.




"BUP Shorts" is simple and nice indeed! Good logo too! About the comic, everyrhing Whinter tried was fun. Some obvious references, some not that much.