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A quick doodle I did last night of something that's been on my mind.

I've felt Arnick's hair is a bit light and blends with his skin. So I toyed with the idea of making his hair darker on the side. And I kinda like it. I do need to do a proper tests tho. (this would also make him differ from Whinter more, haha)

Now, the question is, is his real hair color light or dark? Haha. I have to decide if I ever draw him as a kid.




I really like the dark sides Arnick's hair, I think it makes him more serious and sinister looking. But I do imagine him having light hair as kid and then as he got older his hair was getting darker and darker


It does give him more serious and sinister flare (could also be just these sketches too) but it will also make it more funny in contrast when he's put into silly situations, haha.


Omggg I love it!! It could also be lighter on top and slowly blend into the darker on the bottom if you wanted to indicate it’s his natural color. (Also I agree he looks so serious hehe)


It reminds me of smoke pluming out of ashes in a way. Very befitting, and the contrast suits his fashion sense. Black fading into white could push the color difference further and/or make it like he dyed it himself.