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Well, I did mention on last stream that I had a plan for a comic that would show Splatoon Angelo's backstory and told I had drawn first two pages of it. I dug them up and here they are. Few things to note here

This is the first and the only time ever I've drawn Daisy's dad. And this is young version of him but oh well. He is a priest (even in BUP version too) and his job was to mainly appear in any scenes that would involve church in someway. Maybe he'll be doing the same in BUP. B)c

And second, we learn that Angelo's mom was a biology teacher. So she was very aware of risks of having a hybrid baby with Pomelo but chose to try none the less.

Rest of the story I did explain. They have Angelo, but Pomelo is killed in a car accident. Tarina suspects it was foul play and later chose to seclude herself and Angelo from both inkling and octoling societies. Wanting to protect Angelo but in the end, forcing him to hide. Angelo later chose to not hide anymore, and left her mom and his old life behind. What happened to Tarina, I left vague.

This comic was suppose to show the hardships of these two having a baby, and the moment when they finally do, Pomelo getting in an accident and dying. Traumatizing Tarina and promising to her baby that no one would ever hurt him. "No one will ever hurt you. My angel. Angelo.."

NOW, will any of this happen in BUP? Considering Angelo is not a hybrid and doesn't seem to have any reason to hide himself. Time will tell. Maybe the more things change, the more they stay the same? Or maybe there's a whole new tearjerker of a story planned for him. Or maybe bird boy actually has a happy family life in BUP?

Ppfft. This is me we're talking about, no one is safe.




I was about to comment something like "I hope his family is calmer and happier in BUP' but that last sentence just broke me pffff