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Ah gosh, been so busy I almost forgot today was the patreon special day!

For this month, I wanted to draw all the characters who are currently confirmed to have a pet. We got a lizard, bird, cat and a dog. Now who would have a rodent and fish to complete the types I wonder.

You might also notice that Caesar has gone through a design change. The reasons are that while the black cat is a classic, I felt he was a bit too common looking and easy to mistake for other fictional cats. So I decided to change his fur pattern to similar to one of my cats.

The other reason is... I'm doing this in his memory. Due to reasons with my other cat, he is looking for a new home and is leaving this Saturday for a possible new home for good. It is a sad decision, but for the best for everyone. I will miss him greatly, so I wanted to remember him in someway.




That’s so sad 😞 hope he finds a good home


Although the reason is sad, this is a nice way to show your love for your cat. I'm here in hopes he adapts well and has a nice, happy life. Best wishes for the other cat as well. May that happen as peacefully as possible. About the art itself, it's adorable, without a doubt!!


Whom would Madam Snowball more likely chase: Caesar or Cosmo?