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We get a bit more serious and the term "pristine" is brought up officially in the comic. Referring to Spirits, who choose not to use nectar. We learn Logan's dad is one, but he is fine with his son's current job. Logan advises Whinter to talk with his family. But that's later! Time to think about the name now!




I really am wondering how Whinter's Family will react. But let's get to the names for now. ;)


A new team name? How about Berry Bottlers?

Michael M.

Does it say something about my sense of humour that I really want the next couple of pages or so to just be pretty much the same panel of the team sitting around and thinking about what they’re going to call themselves? XD


“A bit complicated” is a bit of an understatement. Cant wait to have a name for them though!


Hmm so are Pristine's like Vegan's then? They have an issue with consuming Nectar on a moral level?


Vegans or absolutists (what we call them in FInnish) /teetotallers who choose to not drink alcohol. And yes, most pristines think live without nectar is better. Some of them are cool and don't judge those who use it. And some are not