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Finally done with this but I decided to post this here first so enjoy!

Once I settled with glass inspired races, I started to think other glass related sayings and believes and one that came to mind was "smokes and mirrors" So, I made Mirrors the "magicians" of this world. They can indeed create anything they want but it's all tricks.

Their other power, Mirror Images, is inspired of visual idea of seeing other people in the mirrors instead of the real person. I hope I did good job with explaining this power in the sheet, ahaha. It's simple on paper, just splitting your body into two clones of yourself, but I can see people getting very curious about it and what you can and can't do with it. Funny how much effort I put into this considering this is a side race and currently I don't have much planned for Mirror characters. Oh well. Enjoy!




I love this, so many good new info!!

