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Hey everyone. Just here asking how it's going and how you've been enjoying me posting the content here? I've been noticing people enjoying leaving comments in the pages themselves and seeing activity from people I don't remember seeing over tumblr. So that is nice!  Let me know how this has been working out.

Also, there is something else I do wanna talk about. I am gonna be honest and say my patreon has been stagnating a while and even going down in terms of patreons. And I think this means I need to do some revamping here. Obvious thing being the tiers.

Tier 1, 4 and 5 are possibly gonna stay the same. But 2 and 3 I think need some rework.

I am thinking making tier 2 a PSD tier, meaning that tier gets access to big library of PSDs I've made. No longer three specific files per month. Just, big on growing library of PSDs to study.

Then tier 3. Oh boy... This will be interesting. I am heavily considering if I wanna keep up doing mature art as an exclusive thing. It's not that I don't enjoy it. But having to do it regularly and stressing about making people happy with that content is a bit... against what I feel mature art should be. It should be just silly personal fun. Plus, uploading mature art privately these days... is a bit of a hassle. And I would kinda prefer keeping my patreon clean. Again, not against drawing mature art. But maybe I just wanna do it as fun and for myself again. (maybe start public mature art twitter or something, haha)

But anyway, this is a scary idea because tier 3 is one of the more popular ones and revamping that would be big thing. And I currently have no ideas what to do with it and what kind of content to offer to make it worth. Exclusive special drawings is still a nice idea, I think. But If you guys have any other ideas to offer along it, I'm definitely open ears.

As for other ideas. I did find out that there is a way to get name list of all you supporters to my photoshop. And I was thinking a fun new way to thank you all!

What if, at the end of every month, I'd draw a big thank you image (usually related to the month), with all the patreons from that month in it. And in the end of the year, we would kinda have a patreon calendar! I think that's a really cute idea! This means tho, make sure your patreon name is something you want to be seen publicly.

Anyway, this is all me talking out loud. And these changes I am thinking about are not 100% sure and definitely won't happen next month. Timing of all this is a bit bad as I am going to be very busy in May, (more about that next month) and won't have too much time to concentrate on all this until after that. So, expect any of these changes, or thank you patreon project to happen after May, or later.

Thank you all for the support




Thank you for bringing all that to our attention in advance! I'd be up for that calendar idea! I think special tier 3 art could be even more focused in behind the scenes and BUP previews maybe? Like when Love Reflection was revealed, or THAT pixel art. We know more but at the same time we don't, and that's exciting, haha! Maybe there could be polls again, not to decide WHAT you should do, but maybe picking characters or something? Anyway, thank you again for the hard work!


Making tier 3 a "behind the scenes" tier was definitely in my mind. Instead of regular mature art, regular lore and character introduction pieces? It's an idea


Having more behind the scenes i personally think is a great idea? Maybe you could do more Patreon streams?


I definitely like the idea of the tier 2 revamp! As for tier 3, I am a little confused of what the calendar would consist of, like it has the patron's names on it, but on an unrelated image? or like, literal drawings of all the patrons (i may be totally misreading but omg that seems like a lot). i may be totally misunderstanding tho ahaha. as for tier 3 now, i did comment above about maybe just turning it into a general shipping blog? im sorry that it stresses you out now as it is :( personally i would not feel like it would be "worth" less or anything if it were more shipping oriented or silly in general.


although, i also like the idea of there just being just a free twitter for mature stuff. that way there would be less pressure to upload every week, since it isnt a paid tier, and you can do it at your leisure. if that were the case, i would love more behind the scenes stuff like everyone else is saying! personally, i am tier 4 because i like the commission, the psds and the early page updates. although i do enjoy the tier 3 special images i do think the mature stuff can get... kind of repetitive? and if making it accessible to non-patrons and taking it back to something non-obligatory for you would reduce stress, i definitely support that idea!

Hugo Junstrand

Something that could be taken into consideration is Patron-only streams but aren't necessarily focused on art. Could just be hang-out sessions and give a break from drawing all the time

Michael M.

I'm pretty much in agreement with Alandria and Sammy, "behind the scenes" stuff is always fascinating to me, and I like the idea of the calendar and a Tier 2 PSD library.