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Hello everyone!

Happy to say charging process went way faster this time and is already done. So, if your pledge was charged, check your patreon inbox for the goodies. If your pledge was declined and you fix it, let me know and I'll send you your rewards.

Also, if you check the patreon front page, you can see I've updated the look of it with some new art! I will be testing using patreon itself as a platform to post tier 1 content and see how it works and if it's better than tumblr. Main concern I saw from people was the lack of ask box, which I agree is a fun tool so I'll look into it if I can do something similar here. You're now more than welcome to leave comments and questions on the art posts themselves, which is nice tho.

Tumblr blog is still open tho. And I will post the content there, too. So, use which ever platform you prefer. But I hope now everyone gets access to the content they pay for without any trouble.


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