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Hello everyone! The month is soon changing so I'm here with the early sneak peek of next month's rewards. Be sure to make sure your pledge is right!

If you want to upgrade your pledge higher to get any of these rewards, specifically, please do it on first day of March. My patreon is set  so that it charges any changes to higher immediately so please wait. (unless you want the old rewards from this month). 

Any open commission slots will be opened on first day of the month.

As for my question, I would like to hear feedback yet again about abandoning tumblr blog and just uploading BUP pages and other art here.

The pros of this are no longer need to wait for passwords. You'd get access to stuff right when your pledge is processed in start of the months. No need to put the password and go through the "I'm not robot" process in tumblr. I also wouldn't have to worry about making full size links.

Private tumblrs don't also work on the tumblr app. So there is that. I am also curious how they work for people who don't have tumblr accounts. I know commenting is out of the question there without one...

So yeah, right now I am feeling patreon itself would be better place for patreon exclusive stuff. But I'd like to hear what you guys think about this.




Hmmm... good question. I got used to the Tumblr system, but it's true it causes trouble for many people. I've heard of people who cannot open Tumblr on mobile at all. We don't get post notifications because the blog can't be opened on app. And yeah, we cannot comment posts even on browser and logged in. I am curious to see how efficient Patreon can really be when searching for older posts, but I guess if everything is tagged it should be ok. I am thinking about the asks though, where should patrons send their questions to? Patreon Messages? Would you do Q&A posts on Patreon then? Anyway, I'm fine with whatever may be more benefitial to most people.

Michael M.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with everything you said, Alandria. Whilst I too am used to the private Tumblr, it can sometimes be more trouble than its worth, especially when it comes the CAPTCHAs. The good thing with doing it through Patreon is that we would get notified of new art posts, though like you say, finding a way of submitting questions might be something to look into.


Personally, I feel like the content you post is better suited for tumblr despite all the annoyances of the private blog system. I agree with alandria about how archiving might work (personally I like to go back through the blog a lot and search through tags haha).


Also forgot to add oops- my biggest worry is actually that Patreon doesn’t really have an ask system, and I feel like one of the bigger rewards for tier 1 is the ability to ask questions ahead of time that might not get an answer on the public blog. I would be fine waiting a day or two extra to see a new comic page with the password reset if it meant that we got to keep asks as well.