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Hello everyone! I'm here to let you guys know that I got a picarto premium membership! This came with all sorts of nice perks but best of them being:

My streams are now recorded on the site. So, if you couldn't join a stream, you can rewatch them on the site!

And second, private streams. I can now make my streams private and only people with link to it can join. I think you get the idea, I'd be super stoked to do some patreon only streams and work on some Bottled Up art.

First on my list is banner for my Bottled Up blog. It would be fun to work on that and discuss little about the series and architecture choices I made (you'll understand when you see the banner)

I don't have a date set but maybe sometime next week. Feel free to comment here if you have any preferred days (next thursday is off tho)

My picarto 


Michael M.

Best days for me personally would be Sunday, Monday and Wednesday if you’re looking to stream around your usual time (or a little later like with the last mature stream). But certainly looking forward to seeing some juicy deets about Bottled Up! :)


For me the best days are probably Mondays, Sundays, and Fridays. Definitely looking forward to all of that bottled up behind the scenes!! ;D


I'll leave the choice to people with more chances of watching, since on most days I'm bound to office hours in which I rely on mobile data and Picarto doesn't help with it (and, of course, I have to work haha). Hope someone takes notes of the news, though <3