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Hello everyone! Here to show you guys what to expect next month in terms of rewards!

Month is gonna change soon so be sure to make sure your pledge is right. Also, if you want to upgrade your pledge higher to get any of these rewards, specifically, please do it on first day of Fabruary. My patreon is set  so that it charges any changes to higher immediately so please wait. (unless you want the old rewards from this month). Open commission slots will be opened on first day of the month.

There are also some changes I've decided to do. Nothing major and nothing that requires anything from you guys.

First, I've decided to remove "regular comic update" milestones. I'm getting to the point where the comics are close to finishing and I just want them to update regularly. You patreons are already like a month or two ahead of the public schedule and will continue to be so.

Other change I've decided to do, is to remove monthly art themes. I've noticed that the polls get like only 1/3 votes from everyone. And people tend to vote stuff they think I'd have fun with. Such as this month's theme. So, if you guys want me to do what I want, let's do that. 

I do plan to keep things interesting tho. I still have a list of themes I was planning and I'm sure I'll pick up ideas from that list still.

Also, you guys are always free to send me ideas and suggestions. Even ask for tutorials if there is anything you'd like to see.

Last, since I'm moving the old milestones, is there anything new we could do? I did bring up the idea of patreon only streams. If we did that, I could get picarto subscription and do private streams for you guys. These streams could be me working on Bottled Up series, such as character reference sheets and world building concept art stuff etc. And possibly request streams.

Anyway, that's about all I wanted to talk about. Thank you all again for all the support and love!




I think extra streams would be always welcome. Besides, with a premium Picarto account, previous streams would be available to watch later, right? A great feature in case it happens on weekdays or hours not everyone can attend.

Michael M.

Totally understandable about dropping the comic update milestones and the monthly art themes. And, like Alandria, I would absolutely, totally be down for Patreon-only streams. Thinking about it, they could be new milestone goals to replace the comic updates. For example, one goal could be to have private streams where, like you say, you could work on material for Bottled Up. Then, as another goal, you could possibly have request streams. As I understand, Premium Picarto subscriptions also allow you to enable chat raffles, so then anyone attending gets put into the draw, and if their name comes up they get to put forth their request. If nothing else, it would save you from getting bombarded with suggestions from everyone watching. And heck, if you really wanted to, you could even have regular (or semi-regular) mature art streams as another goal. After all, you and Whipple threaten to do them often enough... XD


Where do I sign for my approval of all this suggestions?


Love these new ideas! But one question, how often do you stream? Do you mean the streaks every Saturday, or are there other patreon only streams? Sorry, still new to all of this hehe


I stream every Saturday (unless otherwise informed). I make a post on my twitter, personal art tumblr and DA when I am about to go live.

Samir Montalvão Fraiha

I support Michael's suggestion for the patreons-only streamings. It even offer a more organized option for suggestion made during the streaming. I remember you have a long-term objective to make your own website for your original works. How about make it one of the milestones of the Patreon?