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Hello everyone!

I'm here to talk a bit about November in advance. Some of you might already know, I'll be traveling to America in November, and visiting my boyfriend! I'll be traveling in 13th till 29th.

As exciting as this is, it does mean I will be taking about two week holiday. Which will affect things here.

There won't be monthly art theme in November.  I'll do freebies.

 There won't be art stream on two Saturdays while I'm on my holiday, but we might do game streams with my boyfriend while I'm on my travel. 

I will do my best to get enough comic pages and art done in advance so patreon blogs will be updated while I am traveling. 

And tier 4 and 5 people, I will do my best also to finish as many of your commissions before I leave on 13th day. So I ask, if you are planning to commission me on November, PLEASE think early what you want, so you can let me know asap, and I can finish it before I leave. If I can't, I promise the commission will be finished after I come back. It will be very late, but it will be finished. 

I think that's about it. I wanted to let you guys know in advance so you know what to expect in November.

Thanks for reading! Hope everyone has a great rest of the October!



Oh right your trip to Merica is coming up, I'm happy u get to see your boo and see our country before it's fall (I kid . . . Hopefully) Anyway I'll have my request bright and early after the bill goes through ^^

Samir Montalvão Fraiha

Enjoy our trip! Hopefully it will bring as many marvelous memories as when he went there to visit you. o/


Have a great trip! Going to send that comission request super early =3


Enjoy your trip! and for november maybe you could make a dia de muertos costume for any of ur squid kids nwn


have an amazing trip!! already got my request ready c: