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So I have a few things: Firstly, the Christmas YCH is going up later today (Wednesday) at 6PM PST/9PM EST on Furaffinity. There will be 4 slots up for bid, which will last till Friday. I'll post a link here when it's posted. I plan on streaming those, possibly on Monday the 23rd since I plan on finishing it in time for Christmas.

Secondly, Welcome to the Pack will be on holiday break until January and will return the 11th.

Thirdly, the Beagle Bugle will be going up this Sunday which includes sketches of the December poll winners in jockstraps~! (including Harold). Got a lot of sketches for y'all! The finished Shirota pictures of the month will go up on the last day of the month as normal.

Lastly, it's my birthday on Friday, so I might do something art related, I haven't decided yet.

Hope you guys have a great holiday season! Love you all!