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The guys are headed to the beach! I'm gonna be doing some beach related doodles in the coming weeks. Of course, the shots are courtesy of our very own filmmaker, Ryley.

Here's a WIP of the group shot of Ethan, Damien and Cruz with their surfboards. They're the sporty ones of the group.

Seems like Ethan has a special technique to apply sunscreen. And he's more than happy to help out a friend.

Since it's Hot Dawg month I figured I should show off some Buster sketches I did. He's a more obscure character since he's from Lady and the Tramp 2, a Disney sequel, but I have a major crush on this guy. I love his backstory as well, since he was a "good friend" of Tramp when he was on the streets, but got SUUUPER jealous when Tramp left him for Lady and vowed to never look out for anyone else. There is a TON of sexual tension, it's amazing.

Alright, so last week I posted a sketch where Damien calls Ethan "pipsqueak" and puts him in his place. Since it's hawt dog month, how about we go through my unreleased archive and check out sketches I've been holding onto of Ethan bothering Damien, shall we?

This one is pretty old, it's from February 2018. Notice how Ethan doesn't have his hat or facial hair yet. And he's also hasn't gone through his summer bulk up. 

And there is plenty of this where that came from...


Andrew Campbell

The one thing I never got from the movie was if he only cares for himself why does he have a gang?


Because he's a mess and needs constant validation. He definitely is lying when he says he doesn't care about anyone else. He's just salty that his bro left him.