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In the next comic, Ethan is going to introduce the concept of TigerOrcs. They're a group of characters that he drew back in high school and made little comics with. And now that he's found his box of old drawings, he's decided to update the designs. Funny enough, the first time I drew the updated "present day" design, it came out... too good, for Ethan's skill level (Don't worry, he'll grow). But here's the first attempt.

Tiger-Orc design (full-quality)

 "I Ship it!" Rule 34 Poll 

Chief Bogo x Benjamin Clawhauser

Woofer Version



Torcs! Or orgers??

RadjinWolf (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 08:36:08 Yes to everything presented. Tigers + orcs. <3
2018-02-18 20:41:35 Yes to everything presented. Tigers + orcs. <3

Yes to everything presented. Tigers + orcs. <3


I love mashing up words like that. My bf is a tiger/koopa, call him my Toopa! :P