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Hey! So I promised a celebration picture for reaching my first goal on Patreon, so I figured why not formally introduce you guys to my fictional underwear company? (Also side note, honestly, I had no idea I would reach my first goal so quickly, thank you guys SO much again!)

As you can see, I took my shot at designing a website as if you're browsing for some goodies. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to do this for real, but for now these are gonna be things I'm going to do from time to time for fun. I plan on designing more underwear and other clothing based on shows, movies, characters, and sometimes original designs (I also plan on doing polls to determine future designs). And since I have a lot of characters, they're gonna model the new designs, like seen above. 

Also side note, I made this post visible for all tiers since the goals are a group effort and everyone deserves the love (the other Patreon goal pictures will also be posted the same way when they are reached). 

Happy Sunday everyone!



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