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Hope all are well in the new year so far! This month is a slight bit slimmer on content sadly, but there wasn't a lot I could do about it. I had about 2.5 weeks eaten up by family sickness and increased workload as a result. I thankfully was only sick for a couple days, but my father wound up with some rather bad Pneumonia, and I was primary caretaker. Coupled with his diabetes and blood pressure issues, it was "full time" work, lol. but so that's the primary reason for a bit slimmer number of works this month.

BUT, that's not what this is mainly about. I actually wanted to announce plans here to have commissions coming available in the near future. I am going to try to work out a form and pricing, etc for taking commissions hopefully in March. I will only be taking a couple per month probably for a while to test the waters and not "overwhelm" myself, but it should be interesting! I will also be working to finish the second/final part of that Krampus ctf piece this nextt month. And if I can get that done, and the planning/working out how I should best do these commissions, then I should be testing the waters in Mach. if not, it would be pushed back by a month (into April) at the latest! But either way, commissions soon!

Thanks again all for all the support, and for taking part and enjoying my work! I hope that I will continue to give you all worthwhile content and something you can enjoy! ^^



Good luck if / when you start doing comms! :}