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Apologies on a bit of a "limited" amount of posts this month. it's been a weird one for me right off the get-go. Started off the month with arm issues/injury. Numbness and aches/pains in the drawing arm made me very cautious to use it much at all. And then a bad position in sleep re-aggravated it about halfway into the month that made me have to take a few more days to rest it and make sure I was "ok" to draw again.

Then, shortly after I was finally getting back to things, got some family news that was... well, let's say not great. It has made things rough for a bit, and that was on top of things already being rough (but that's the norm for me, lol). So set me back mentally a fair bit. 

It's been a struggle honestly to find the time to draw with the physical limitations, and then became hard to find the will/inspiration/desire to draw after that. But hopefully this next month I will do better. At least the physical side of the equation should be all right this next month! 

But again, thank you to all that support me. It really still is a great help, and I appreciate it so very very much. So, thank you all, again and again!



All my best to you, Fenris. Here's hoping March will treat you better!