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He's keeping true to his word after all. He's gonna slip you out of that cell. He never mentioned the how or the "after" really.
Just a silly idea that I had and felt a real need to do.




Jeez, I wonder how many prisoners he's helped out of their cells! O: -- Is the victim a human? I would have thought it would be some smaller species from Zootopia / Zootropolis.


I felt like drawing human.... so it's what I went with. But as an added bonus, at least now he won't stick out in the world of zootopia =P


Well, he'll 'stick out' but only when he's erect, sticking out from Bogo's front.


Also, this explains where ALL the humans went, in the world of Zootopia. Every last human was CTF'd by one of the animal-people in that world. That explains everything. >:}