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For those curious, no, I have not in fact moved past my Banjo ideas/cravings yet. And there may yet be more! Who knows... EITHER way, this is a bit of a silly idea I had for what Klungo just might have in some of those potions... Perhaps I should do another one with a different outcome.... after all, when ya lose, ya gotta re-load/continue from a previous checkpoint, so who knows what all he has in those flasks.. he throws so many >.>...




I saw that the picture had text with 'hissing' Ses, and thought.. is that a reptile, TFing that bear? But of course, Klungo hissed for some reason! - I wonder why.


ya know, I always just assumed that it was a speech impediment/slurred speech because of his rather deformed/mutated appearance. But beyond that, I never really thought about it!