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I was quite in a Banjo mood this month, so did a couple pictures featuring the silly bear getting into some... situations. Seems that once again Banjo was allured by the prospect of not having to pay the toll for some tf magic, so opted for some "free" magic he found in the area. Seems though that it's not exactly what he was looking for. But at least he certainly is going to fit right in, and be most convenient for this levels workers.




Ahh, good old Glitter Gulch Mine - I think that's the name, anyway! The cigar is meant to be evocative of Pleasure Island donkey TFs, I suppose?


Correct, and correct! I actually was quite the dork and designed a logo to go onto the cigar, and you can see/read it in the HD version, but it's a bit too compressed in SD, lol. Didn't really think about that. But, eh! And yeah, Glitter Gulch Mine I always wanted a donkey tf rather than the "igniter" that was the acttual tf, I mean, heck, there's literally a donkey bray in the song for the place, so, it had to be done :).