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Hello everyone!

With v1.2 wrapped up (mostly) I am now properly conceptualizing and planning out the gym area that will appear in v1.3... hence the work-in-progress renders you'll see throughout this little post.

The gym area will add two new characters as has been decided by poll - a cheetah track star and her hyena coach. These two characters will be the main stars of the area, buuuut other characters might appear too in certain scenes, who knows?

I have a rough plan for how this area will go. I want it to feel different to every other area in the game, not just because, well, gym and exercise and stuff, but also in terms of how you explore it and access scenes and such. Expect something a little different, basically. Not too different - there's only so much I can do in Quest - but, something other than go in room, climb person. If this sounds mysterious, then, don't worry. It won't be a mystery for long.

Anyway! To finally get to the proper purpose of this post, I have decided to open up a suggestion box for gym-themed scene ideas from you guys! While I was scratching down ideas I was thinking to myself... hmm... I wonder what everyone wants to see... and then I just thought... well, why not ask?

Here's some very basic ground rules:

- The most important rule - must be gym or exercise themed
- Can be any character(s) (if you even want to suggest a character)

- Any vore type/brand of macro tomfoolery is fine to suggest

So, yup! If you have an idea for the upcoming gym area... DROP IT OVER HERE! 

I will almost certainly not be able to do every suggestion, but I'll at least try to do a few of them! There's no real deadline on when you can submit a suggestion, but I'd recommend doing it within the next few weeks because that'll be the time where I'm drafting all the scenes out.

The unpacking is going well, or... well enough. I should have a short story up here before the end of the weekend.

That's it! Happy... uh... suggesting, and I'll see you in a few days with a short story!



This seems like a perfect place for Miles to appear. Predatory Panther spots something unusual and quickly realizes it's exactly what he's fantasized. Does a workout with a micro in various spots, plenty of potential for mean ends. Or, surviving against the odds and being kept (perhaps even earning his respect more than the other captured ending) Though this idea could be perfectly compatible with the currently planned characters too!

Derp Derpjr

I think that maybe some kind of mini event for if you get distracted looking at someone you get an unaware or aware death seen related to the work out equipment the player is near.