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Hello everyone!

I am very, very excited and extremely proud to finally present the full release of v1.2 to everyone!

This is, by far, the biggest update to A Tiny Furry In A Huge World ever. When v1.1 launched I believe the wordcount for the game was somewhere around 400,000 words. I have just checked the wordcount for the game now - literally seconds before typing this - and the game is now 570,000 words long.

On top of the game now being as long as War and Peace (seriously) this means that there was over 100,000 words of content added with this update alone. I have no idea how this might make you feel but personally it's quite stunning to me. I never expected that I would write Vore and Peace in my lifetime, nor did I think that I would ever publish an update for this game that was this big... but here we are on both counts.

But anyway! Enough todo about how big this thing is. Why don't I just show you? Here's the full patch notes for v1.2! Note that I have included everything here - not just stuff that has changed from the last preview update. To be honest the past couple of weeks have been such a whirl that I'll forgotten what I've added over the past month or so exactly. Sorry about that!

V1.2 Changelog



Lucas the male fox has been added to the game. He's Aimee's sister and he's a gentle muscular kinda guy!

Unlike most characters in the game, he can't be found in a set location... instead, he wanders around three locations at random: these being the two ends of the East Wing Corridor and the library where, of course, his sister is.

He has twelve scenes in total! Where he is currently effects the scene, so... if you interact with his paw in the corridor then you'll get a completely different scene from when he's in the library. Here are all of his scenes. Scroll past this if you'd rather not spoil!

Unaware Paw Crush (Top End Of East Wing Corridor)

Unaware Toe Smoosh (Bottom End of East Wing Corridor with Charlotte)

Stuck To Lucas' Paw (Library)

Unaware Cock Vore (Top End Of East Wing Corridor)

Big Fox Balls (Bottom End of East Wing Corridor with Charlotte)

Trapped Under Balls (Library)

Butt Crush (Top End Of East Wing Corridor)

Butt Scratch (Bottom End Of East Wing Corridor with Charlotte)

Unaware Anal Vore (Library)

Safe Ending (Peaceful) (Top End Of East Wing Corridor)

Unaware Oral Vore (Bottom End of East Wing Corridor with Charlotte)

Reluctant Aware Oral Vore (Library)

As already said, Lucas will move around the areas randomly, but if you'd like to control him then you can do so by going into the Options menu. From there, you'll be able to choose where he's standing and even disable him wandering around automatically.

If you'd like to access his scenes even easier, then... they're available in the New Endings option on the main menu (like all the new endings) so you can just skip to them immediately!



Bellus the mysterious male fae dragon has been added to the game. He's the student councillor, and the vast majority of his endings are focused on the transformation kink!

He can be found in the brand new location at the bottom end of the East Wing Corridor. This brand new location is the Student Councillor's Office! It's empty when you first go inside, but if you poke around in there for long enough (and mess with Bellus' stuff) then you'll be sure to bump into the slippery fae dragon sooner rather than later.

Here are his scenes! There are four of them total. This might not be as many as Lucas, but I've left lots of room to add more later, so... yup! On top of that, Bellus brings more than just scenes with him. I'll go into that after this!

Aware Oral Vore (interact with the cupcake at the entrance of his office)

Insole Transformation (Mess around with his shoes)

Aware Butts/Anal Voreish (Interact with fluff on his chair)

Sex Toy Transformation (Interact with sex toy on his desk)

Bellus' Quest

You can also get a side quest from Bellus... which is a first for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World. You can start the quest by hopping up on his desk and interacting with the loose scale there... which will make Bellus appear to send you to find three more! Finding each scale can also lead to a scene!

If you don't want to know where the scales are, then obviously avoid this bit!

The Jar (Jar underneath Aimee's library containing a scale. Can also lead to a scene where the jar gets filled with either cum or pee...)

Claire's Pocket (Scale can either be grabbed or interacted with to trigger a scene where you transform into Claire's panties)

The Vent (A vent area opens up in the Lobby after starting the quest. You'll find the fox in there... and if you're not quick enough grabbing the scale, then you might get transformed into one of her paws!)

These range from a brisk 1500ish words to 3000 words.

After finding all four scales, you'll be able to go back to Bellus for a 'reward'. It's not voreish or smutty, it's just silly... so don't expect anything crazy. I may well add something more sexy there later, but I felt like something silly fit him because he's kind of a silly character, you know? Anyways, I won't spoil it too much!


Yes! We're not done yet! Infact, we're not even two thirds done... because on top of all of that content above, there's also a bunch of new scenes with other characters! Like always, they can either be found in game or in the ending selector thingy on the main menu.


Ms. Matthews has had an absolute monster of a scene added. Weighing in at well over 5000 words, it's a scene all about her trapping you underneath one of her buttplugs while she rides it... and the awful effect that has on your frail little body!

You can access it by poking her in the toe with the needle and then picking the new dialogue option to flirt with her!


Janice has had a mean (but very non-fatal) scene added! As an alternative to her usually gooshy peaceful route, you can now piss her off and become her stress toy instead! Being Janice's stress toy involves being crushed by her tits and ass a lot.

You can access it by hopping up on the keyboard and then calling her a bitch when she notices you!


Miles had two endings added this update! First, a scene that's been added to the weird watch in the outdoor rest area. In it, you transform into Miles' paws and experience a day in the life of them!

The second ending added was also paw related, though... it features you worshipping them rather than turning into them! This is a long scene involving paw worship, the big panther jerking off, and you getting crushed to bits at the end. You can get to it by yelling at him from his shoulder!


Charlotte had a pretty simple but fun ending added... which is jumping down into her t-shirt to be crushed by her boobs! Pretty easy to access this one... just climb up to her shoulder in the computer lab and then hop down her neckline!


Emily had a huge scene added to the game! At over 8000 words (and with some fun choices in it) it's a whopper of a tale about you getting stuck to her shoe for an extended period of time and, well... breaking! Warning: this one is super miserable, so, be careful if you're not into micros having a really, really bad time!


Oscar has had a mean aware cock vore scene added! This is a pretty grim and painful scene that involves you getting crushed down his shaft, squeezed into his balls and churned up into cum... all rather painfully!

Like most mean variants, you can access this by being an ass to him. After you escape the college by crawling into his bag in the shower room, just yell at him a lot... he'll eventually lose his patience and punish you!.


The feral wolf from the forest is a pretty obscure character... so if you don't remember him, I don't really blame you! To remind you of him, though, he pops up briefly in one of Oscar's routes - specifically, the one where you and him go on a walk in the nature trail.

Anyway! This is a unaware cock vore scene involving him. It also has some mawplay. Basically, you end up in his maw and then he ends up grooming his sheath and... well, one thing leads to another. You can get to it by interacting with a new grassy patch object thing in his little area on the afforementioned route!


Attached to Bellus' quest. After accepting it, you'll find that there's a vent in the college lobby. You can crawl into it to find something shiny... as well as a scene where you get transformed into this feral fox's paw.


Pantie transformation? Pantie transformation! After accepting Bellus' quest, you'll be able to find a scale buried inside of Claire's pocket. Picking it up will give you the opportunity to turn into her panties! I dunno why you'd want to do this (cough cough I do really) but you can now!


Aimee has had two new endings added... both of them attached to a jar that you can find underneath her desk. Crawl in it, she'll capture you, and fill the jar with... something. Can you guess what it is? (the answer is either cum or piss, your choice)

Wow! We're finally done with the new scenes and vore content and all that! So many! Like all the new scenes, if you don't want to find them in game, then you can find 'em on the New Ending section under Plus Cheats on the main menu.

But we're not done yet... there's still a little more!


Every location in the East Wing Corridor (and the college lobby) has had their backgrounds redone! Here's how a couple of 'em look:


There's probably other stuff? Small stuff, you know, typo fixes and all that. I also changed how the map looks! I've been working on this update for the past nine months or so and I've done lots of small things that I've forgotten about so expect a couple of surprises here and there that aren't listed here.


The backgrounds for Bellus' area are currently missing due to a last minute rendering issue that I had with Blender. Rather than delay the update further, these will be added in the preview build for v1.3 coming at the end of this month.

Mike's in-game guide is currently broken. Sorry about that! It'll be fixed shortly, but as above, it was noticed last minute and I would rather just get the update out than delay it because of a fairly minor bug.

Speaking of guides, I haven't updated them at all for v1.2 yet. Like Bellus' backgrounds and Mike's missing guide, this will be corrected in the preview build for v1.3 coming at the end of this month.

That's it!

Today is the day before the big move. Most things are packed, but I still have a little left to do... including moving like, twenty heavy boxes into a truck. I'm going to go and do that now! I feel strong right now, which, y'know, makes sense. I'm still glowing from that whole 570,000 words thing...

EDIT 6/19/2023:
- Student councillor's room now has a suite of backgrounds (4 in total)
- Fixed a bug with Lucas' peaceful ending
- Mike's guide is now accessible

EDIT: 6/25/2023
- Bellus' in-game guide added
- Lucas in-game guide added
- New content guide updated



Heck that's a lot, like a LOT lot! Nice work Kyo! I can't wait to try it out~ And good luck with the moving. Don't forget to take some rest after to settle in properly. You defenitely deserve it~

TheFleta (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-15 20:41:10 It's just awesome getting to play through my comm ending. Thank you once more it's so good. <3
2023-06-14 22:00:21 It's just awesome getting to play through my comm ending. Thank you once more it's so good. <3

It's just awesome getting to play through my comm ending. Thank you once more it's so good. <3