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Hello everyone!

It's the beginning of the month - or, close enough - so it's time for the beginning of the month post.

I've said this already, but I really can't say it enough... I'd like to thank everyone for the immense and incredible amount of patience that you've had with me leading up to me moving apartment this month. I'm looking forward to getting situated in my new place and getting back to focusing on what I do best - which is creating fictional environments where giant things are kickin' around with very small things.

The first half of this month is going to be a little slow - as you can tell by this post dropping a couple of days later than it usually does - but I do have two things planned for this week. One of them is a poll and the other is a big content drop that I'm sure lots of you are eagerly awaiting. Read more about them (and other stuff) below!

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.2 Coming This Week + First Preview Build Of v1.3 Coming This Month Too

This week will see the launch of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus v1.2. If you've been keeping up with the preview builds then there'll be twelve brand new scenes for you to enjoy... and if you've been waiting for v1.2 to be finished before playing it, then there'll be over thirty new scenes plus two brand new characters which is honestly kinda crazy! This is by far the biggest update in the game's history. I'm actually a little nervous to write the changelog... it's gonna go on for ages.

I am not sure when it is going to launch this week. I planned on having it out today, but there are a couple more things that need to be done before it's quite ready. With everything else that I have going on right now I'm not eager to set a solid date, so... let's just say as soon as possible this week. I have a scene or two to write and a couple of last minute bugs (one of them is really major and will take a while to untangle) but it won't take me too long, especially with how determined I am to get this all done and settled before the move.

The first preview build for v1.3 will be dropping at the end of the month too! Given that I'm moving and stuff - said enough about that already so I won't linger - I'm not sure how much content there will be, but what I can promise is that everyone will be able to get a good look at the new gymnasium area as well as the coach and track star that'll be inhabiting it! Expect a couple of scenes with them at the very least.

On top of that, there will be a new scene with Hannelore thanks to April's bonus poll. There will also be something for May's bonus poll, but... given that one ended up in a four-way tie, there'll need to be another quick round this month, so let me get into that!

May's Bonus Poll Ended In A Four-Way Tie

I didn't expect this to happen at all but there was a really big tie last month. At the top of the poll, Aimee, Claire, and Lucas all had 22 votes, while Bellus came really close at 21. I've been chewing over what to do about this for a day or two. I considered breaking the tie myself and just picking my favorite out of the four, but... not only is that hard to do (I like all four of 'em) I also feel like it's a little unfair. The bonus endings are about you guys, so...

Later on today (in a couple of hours) I'll be throwing up a tie-breaker poll that will feature all three of the winners plus Bellus because he was close enough. It'll be a three day poll and it'll be single choice only. If you're reading this now and the poll isn't up, then have a think about who you want to vote for... and if the poll is already up, then heck, go vote!

In other poll news, there will be this month's bonus ending poll too. It'll be two rounds - character round and scene type round. There will also be a different kind of poll. It'll be more like a survey, but I'm not really sure how to go about it yet, so... I'll explain more when it's actually up.


When I've gotten all moved out and settled in I plan on getting a story or two up this month. This part of the post is small, but, expect stories! I have a few that are very nearly done, but I want to tie them up when I'm done moving so they're wrote stress-free.

Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest

I'm not sure if I'll be ready to talk about my plans for this for a little while, but I've had a few people who were really big fans of the game get in touch to express that they hope that the game isn't dead, so I'm sure that there's many more of you who might be wondering the same thing. So, I would like to make a brief announcement.

I have plans for A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest. I'm not shelving it. For one, there were several polls that took place for that game for characters, locations, and situations, and I would like to follow up on those polls and provide the content that was voted for.

The game, however, will not be made in Quest. Like, the game engine Quest. It'll be made in a different engine - y'know, Game Maker, that thing I've been screwing around with endlessly. I've been through the reasons for changing the engine up countless times so I won't bore you with them again.

My plans for the project are pretty early right now, but I won't just be porting the game over. I think this would be pretty boring when the new engine gives me a lot more flexibility, I can make A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest a different and better game. It'll still have text adventure elements, it'll still feature ample amounts of macro/micro and vore, and it's still going to have roughly the same story and characters, but... it's going to play differently to anything else that I have made in the past. I don't just want to make another text adventure - I wanna make something that feels like a breath of fresh air.

I'm not quite ready to speak about it yet. My focus right now is on remaking The Hungry House in GameMaker - a project that I am hoping will be finished around August. I've made a significant amount of progress on this already and with how it's shaping up the original Quest version of the game is looking more like a demo or even a proof of concept... but I'll have more to share on that next month.

For now, I just wanted to assure everyone who was a fan of this project that I'm not abandoning it or leaving it on the floor forever. Over the next couple of months I'll have something solid to show everyone, and maybe even something to play by the end of the year.

Moving This Month

This month I am moving to a new apartment. If you've been here for a little bit then you've probably heard me mention this before, but... this month is the month! The day I am moving out is the 15th of this month, so... just about a week away! I am currently in the process of packing up the last few things I need to pack and cleaning everything up around here for whoever's moving in after me and... you know, generally just organizing stuff and preparing myself mentally.

On a physical level this won't be that bad - I'm used to hauling stuff around and I've drove a U-Haul once or twice before - but on a mental level it's going to be completely exhausting, because moving always is for me. I've lived in the place I'm at right now for a good while and in that time I've accumulated a lot of things like anyone who's a fan of knickknacks and trinkets does. I've also developed... I'm not sure what the word is, but the place does feel like home in a way. I like living here, the area is nice, my neighbors are friendly and helpful. So, weirdly, it will be sad to leave.

You might be thinking to yourself then... well, why is Kyobi moving? There's multiple reasons. For one, this place is way too big for me. It's a three bedroom town house where I have to sublet two of those bedrooms out in order to be able to pay rent. When I first moved here I did so with a couple of close friends. They eventually moved out and got their own places - which is fine, life moves on - so I had to start looking for random people online who could fill these rooms. This worked out pretty well for a while, but toward the end of last year I had a terrible experience with one of them and ever since then I've been waiting until the end of the lease here so that I could move out and get a smaller place by myself.

The other reasons are pretty minor in comparison, but still important: by having my own place, I'll have room to be able to create a proper office for myself to do my work in which'll make working much easier. Currently I do the vast majority of my work in my bedroom so it can be hard to both switch into work mode and switch out of it. It sounds silly, but it'll be nice to get out of bed, change into some nice clothes, and walk into my little office that's only purpose is for writing and creating. I think it'll be good for my focus.

It's going to be a little scary living on my own - I've always kinda lived with other people - and I'm definitely not looking forward to all of the stress of moving, but... to end this portion of the post on a positive note, I am looking forward to moving. Yes, it will be stressful, but in the end it's going to lead to me being more comfortable and happy and in a better position to write, so, it's going to work out well for everyone I think, including myself. Plus, a change of scenery is always nice.

That's it I think! This ended up being a pretty long post, so this feels like as good of a place as any to close things off. I'll see you all with a poll in a couple of hours!



When things change and leaving behind what youre used too is always a bit scary. I guess that's instinct? Like we generally like the known. but its gonna turn out fine~ Hope you got an awesome place to settle in and super excited for the update X3 Good Luck Kyo!


Imagine if it's a 4 way tie again.