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Hello everyone!

I am writing this post to announce that the final release of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.2 will be delayed for a few days.

My original intention was to release it around the 31st of this month... so, in about three days. However, the update simply won't be ready by then. I'm really sorry about this. Numerous factors have fed into this, including:

- As you all probably know by now, next month I am moving to a new apartment. More time than I would have liked has been spent packing and preparing and there is still so much more to do. This is probably the most significant factor.

- I was sick for almost a week - it was not allergies as previously reported. It wasn't a severe sickness, but it did end up effecting concentration enough that things just weren't getting finished as quickly as I'd like.

- This weekend, I spilled an entire bowl of macaroni cheese into my computer. I am not kidding. The computer is fine, but the process of cleaning it took several hours and lots of tears and me yelling 'why did you spill pasta in your computer?' at myself.

I feel like if I really rushed things then I could still have the update out by the 31st... but I would rather not have the last lap of a large update rushed. So, instead, I will be giving myself an extra few days.

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.2 will launch, then, somewhere between the 8th and the 11th. Yes I am editing this. I'll have a proper post up very soon. This won't be June's official preview build, so there'll still be v1.3's first preview build at the end of June where everyone'll be able to get their first glimpse at the new gym area and the characters that'll inhabit it!

To make up for this delay, on the 31st, I'll be posting a few plain-text scenes from the upcoming update as a juicy little preview that'll hopefully keep everyone tided over.

I could keep talking, ranting, and apologizing for this... you know me... but instead of doing that, I am going to be productive and get right back to work. Sorry for the delay and thank you for understanding! I promise that v1.2's final release will be worth the wait.



Not gonna lie, just an hour ago, I was thinking about the update and hoping no problems would arise. I am really excited for it. No reason to rush it though, take your time, give us your best. Let's hope that the new apartment will come with a spark of creativity and new order, further enhancing your writing.


…pasta in your computer? I think we’ve all had days like that, Kyobi. I’m glad you decided to focus on your self-wellness, not on forcing yourself to meet a release standard despite sickness and life getting in the way. Your stuff is great, YOU are great. Take care of yourself and don’t sweat the small stuff on passion projects like this. <3


The pasta event this weekend should be a stark reminder to back up your data, if you haven't already. Take your time on the release, we are patiently waiting!


The sickness could be due to stress. Be sure to give yourself some time to breathe and relax.


Take all the time you need :3

Erian Zoutman

be kind to yourself, we will be patient. take your time.


Take your time and proceed with caution in your pasta-based lifestyle.


Agreed with the others. Take your time Kyo. Your life and health come first and we know you always deliver. No matter what. Even if its a day or two later ~


The new place is definitely going to give me a spark, I think. For one, I'll have a little more room and I can even have a little office area which will be super nice... I work out of my bedroom for the most part, and it can kinda be hard sometimes to relax in it since it's also the place I work! Thank you so much for all the kindness as always, it really does mean a lot


Thank you so much! Yeah... it was a real pasta in the computer kinda day. Glad I got it all out though... and no sauce got on anything important


I WAS backing up but then I wasn't but now I am and yes it was because of the pasta. While I was picking macaroni out of there I was thinking to myself... shit... what if you lost all of that stuff you've been working on somehow? Anyway, luckily I didn't macaroni the thing into oblivion and I got the chance to back everything up, so!


After the move I plan on it. Thank you so much for the encouragement, it helps me rest a little easier when it does come to relaxing


Thank you so much for this comment. It's kinda stuck with me over the past couple of days in a really nice way. Whenever I've been beating myself up over things, I've told myself to try and be kinder to myself like you suggested

queenkyobi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 13:01:30 Thank you for being such a good fox egg <3
2023-06-01 01:59:07 Thank you for being such a good fox egg <3

Thank you for being such a good fox egg <3

Erian Zoutman

I am so happy our advice is working out for you. I was a bit worried my message would be too cliche. your welcome.